215: tight

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Elaine's POV

Today only Manu and I were in the house. We were just spending time together as siblings you know. To be honest with you he never stopped talking to me but our conversations were very short and awkward. So Billie decided to give us some space to resolve our issues.

Elaine: so how have you been?

Manu: I've been good you?

Elaine: I've been great, how's Zara

Manu: (sigh)

Elaine: please I'm not going to judge, I just want to know

Manu: she's fine she misses you

Elaine: but she's ignoring me

Manu: just give her sometime

Elaine: Manu I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did. It was selfish of me not to consider your feelings for each other just because I didn't want to loose neither of you but now I just lost Zara.

He comes and hugs me, his hug is warm.

Manu: it's okay sis, I don't blame you. If I were you I would've done the same try to protect my friend but this time it's different. I love her, I've never loved any woman like I love her. With her I don't have to keep up this super model facade but I can be me the nerdy me, the video game geek.

Yeah being nerds kinda runs in the family.

Elaine: (smile) I'm sorry I ever doubted your love for her

Manu: (chuckle) it's okay I understand, I'll talk to her on your behalf

Elaine: no let her be, I don't want to anger her even further

He smiles at me.

Elaine: come let's go work out

Manu: race you to the beach

He said that as he dashed out, I quickly followed him and we ran on the beach for sometime then went back to the house.

Elaine: (huff) I haven't had competition in a while

Manu: (huff) you're faster than the last time I remember

Elaine: (smile) I've been working out

Manu: I can tell

Elaine: let me go freshen up I'll come back then we'll make lunch

Manu: okay

I went upstairs and checked on Aidan who was playing with Hannah. When he saw me he quickly ran to me, I picked him up.

Aidan: mama

Elaine: baby, how's my little boy

He smiles at me, he had grown a few teeth I'm sure he had about six teeth now. I play with him for a little bit, feed him then he sleeps. I then go to my bedroom to freshen up, after freshening up I wear a nude two piece working out gear then walk down the stairs. I stop halfway when I see Manu on FaceTime with someone sounding pissed.

Manu: I'm gonna kill you when I see you I swear

Caller: (chuckle) oh come on buddy you don't mean that

Manu: how could you do this to her?

Caller: it's not like you didn't screw my sister

Manu: it was freaking consensual

Caller: it's not my fault she decided to play for the other team, so I had to take it myself because she was never gonna give me

Manu: fuck you

The caller just laughed and Manu sounded so pissed, I decided I've heard enough I went behind him and poured water on a glass and took a sip

Elaine: who are you talking to?

I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes he was talking to Samuel.

Samuel: she still looks good, I mean look at that booty I hope she kept it tight for me

I dropped the glass I had in my hand and it shattered and fell down next to it. I then started hyperventilating with tears streaming down my face, when I did that I accidentally put my hand on the glass shards. Emanuel came rushing to me and tried to calm me down but I pushed him away.

Emanuel: Elaine calm down

He tries to grab me but I was shaking from fear, and the only thing that came out of my mouth was Billie's name.

Elaine: B-Billie

Emanuel: I should get you Billie

I nodded at him and he quickly called Billie, he briefly explained to her what was going on.

Emanuel: she's coming

I sat there on the floor with my head buried in my knees rocking myself. Tears were still flowing out of my eyes and I was covered in my blood. Billie finally came after what felt like a decade of Manu trying to comfort me.

Billie: what happened?

Emanuel: I was talking to Samuel

Billie: you what?

Emanuel: he called and I wanted to know why he did it

Billie: (sigh) Skylar is in the car, tell Hannah to take the kids to my parents

Emanuel: okay


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