255: no divorce

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Billie's POV

Elaine left and went back to Cali after serving me with divorce papers. Tour ended two weeks ago so I came back the day tour ended to try talk things with her but she doesn't want to talk to me about it. I spend most of my time here so does she but she makes sure to avoid me, we even sleep in different rooms. I tried apologizing for what I did to her she said she forgives me but I'm not so sure if she did. I ended up signing the papers three days ago because I saw that this was a loosing battle and our home had become cold. Skylar even asked me why Elaine and I no longer kiss and I didn't know how to answer her.

So today our parents are coming over so we could tell them that we're divorcing. Obviously Elaine's mom has been here since yesterday because she had to fly from South Africa. My parents arrived too and I went to open up, they came in and hugged everyone. I haven't seen Elaine smile this genuine since she served me. We went to sit on the sofa and she brought cookies and tea, then she sits next to me leaving some distance between us.

Sandra: how are you babies?

Elaine: we're okay

Maggie: is there something wrong?

Elaine: well we called you here to tell you something not so pleasant.

Pat: what's going on? Did Billie do something?

Elaine just keeps quiet and looks away, and I see her eyes turning glossy.

Elaine's POV

I didn't know how to tell them as everyone was now looking at me, I turn to look at Billie who had tears in her eyes too.

Elaine: Billie and I are (swallow hard) we are getting a divorce

I looked at Billie and a tear fell from her eye. She stood up and left then I looked at our parents, shock was written all over their faces.

Sandra: what? what happened?

Maggie: why would you get a divorce?

My father in law Pat just looked at me in disbelief. I shed a tear

Sandra: Elaine what's going on, better say this is a prank

Elaine: mommie I'm not happy

My mother in law and mom looked at each other in disbelief when I said that.

Sandra: happy? Elaine you want to break your family because you're just going through a hurdle?

Elaine: mom it's not like that, I tried talking to Billie but still nothing changed it's like I didn't matter to her anymore

Sandra: you didn't try hard enough, if you had we wouldn't be here today

Maggie got up and went to get Billie. They came back and her eyes were bloodshot red.

Maggie: Billie what happened?

Billie: she says she's not happy and claims I'm cheating on her

Pat: are you?

Billie: no dad I didn't cheat on her I love her

She said the last part in a very low tone and I could feel the pain in her voice but why is she still lying because I know what I saw

Elaine: I found the two of you half naked on your bed Billie

Billie: Elaine we were just sitting and I just came back from a shower

Elaine: then why was she naked?

Billie: because she tried coming for me but I pushed her away, she said I was sending her signal so I was trying to clear the air with her

I just kept quiet and looked away from her because seeing her cry was breaking my heart.

Sandra: give me this girl's number I'm gonna ask her myself

Billie gave her Phoebii's numbers and my mom called her.

Phoebii: hello?

Sandra: hello dear you're talking to Billie's mother in law

Phoebii kept quiet

Sandra: don't be scared I just want to ask you something, this family's future relies in your answer okay?

Phoebii: (shaky voice) okay

Sandra: are you seeing Billie?

Phoebii: no I'm not seeing her

Sandra: what happened on the night that Elaine found the two of you barely dressed?

Phoebii: I went to Billie's trailer because I thought she liked me but she plainly rejected me and told me she loves her wife

Sandra: okay thank you have a good day

She ends the call and everyone looks at me

Sandra: okay so that we got the big elephant out the room there's no divorce that will take place, Elaine forget this madness

Elaine: (cry) but mom I'm not happy

Maggie: but dear you love each other you can't just give up

Elaine: I love Billie I do but I need her to let me go, I'm not gonna move to another state or run away with the kids please let me go

My mom looked at me with eyes full of disappointment, in my whole life she's never looked at me like that.

Elaine: Billie please talk to them

I looked at her and she looked at me too.

Billie: it's okay, I want her to be happy even if it means without me it's fine


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