275: come in

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Elaine's POV

In the morning I woke up early and went to freshen up. After freshening up I brush my teeth, while brushing my teeth Lisa walks in and kiss my neck.

Lisa: morning Fiori

Elaine: morning babe

He then put on toothpaste on his brush and I squeeze the tub and it spills on his hand. He looks at me and I give him a friendly smile. He then put the paste in his finger and spreads it in my face.

Elaine: babe!

Lisa: (chuckle)

I squeeze more of the paste and apply it to him. He retaliate and now we're playing around in the bathroom making a mess. After that I try to clean up our mess.

Lisa: leave it I'll get someone to do it

Elaine: no it's okay I'll clean up

Lisa: babe you'll be late for work

Elaine: okay

We take a shower together. We make up then we go for breakfast. When we get downstairs we find his brother there with a table full of all sort of foods. His brother smiles at us and they start talking in Italian. We walk up to the table and we sit down.

Lisa: babe this is my brother Angelo

Elaine: nice to meet you

He smirks at me then speak English in an Italian accent

Angelo: I heard you last night

I was so embarrassed I wanted the earth to swallow me right in that moment.

Lisa: Angelo!

Angelo: (chuckle) little brother don't be embarrassed

Lisa: babe finish up so we can leave this psycho here

Elaine: I'm done eating

We walk out and I was quiet all the way to the garage.

Lisa: are you okay?

Elaine: yeah

Lisa: don't mind Angelo

Elaine: (smile)

We then got in his car and he drove me to my house. He wanted to take me to work but I insisted to drive myself and he was getting late, but he said he'll come around during my lunch. I get to my house and change into a knee high pencil dress and stilettos. I then go to work l, when I get there I get busy and there was an emergency in the ER so I had to go there and help with the surgery. We spent about for hours in the surgery then when we went out it was almost my lunch. When it was my lunch I went to my office and waited for Lisa who came right on time.

Lisa: knock knock

Elaine: come in

Lisa: Fiori

Elaine: (smile) Mr Russo, how are you?

Lisa: I'm good now that I see your beautiful smile

I get up and go hug him. He kisses my neck then peck my lips. I sit down in the chair next to his.

Elaine: so wanna tell me about your day?

Lisa: I'd rather we talk about you

Elaine: (smile) what about me?

Lisa: you drive me crazy

Elaine: (blush) oh really?

Lisa: (smile) yeah

I cup his face with my hands and brush my nose against his. I smell his minty breathe

Elaine: I like you very much

Lisa: (smile) I like you too

Elaine: your eyes are mesmerizing, did you inherit them from your mom or dad?

Lisa: my father

Elaine: he must be good looking like you

Lisa: (chuckle) you think I'm good looking?

Elaine: (smile) yeah I think you're the most handsome man ever

Lisa and I continue giving each other compliments and we kiss then the door opens. It was none other than Zara. I pull away and remove lipgloss on his lips.

Zara: oh I didn't know you had company

Elaine: it's okay come in


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