205: Manu this is Zara

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Billie's POV

I woke up and Elaine was still sleeping, so I gently got off bed and went to freshen up. After freshening up I made her breakfast and took it to her. I opened the curtain and placed kisses all over her face.

Elaine: (groan)

Billie: wake up

She covers her head with the duvet

Elaine: I don't want to

I pull the duvet off her, she sits up straight while rubbing her eyes and pout. I kiss her small pout

Billie: I made you breakfast

She looks at me all pouty so I kiss her again.

Billie: you're so pretty

Elaine: you just couldn't let me sleep?

Billie: I wanted to see you before I go

She gets off the bed and walk to the bathroom and brush her teeth and wash her face then come back with her hair tied.

Elaine: you could've seen me when you get back

Billie: there's a huge possibility I'll come back very late

She sits on the bed and eats the berries

Elaine: why?

Billie: Fin wants us to finish up a song we're busy on

Elaine: okay

She feeds me a strawberry and smiles at me

Billie: I have to go now

Elaine: (seductive) are you sure?

Billie: (smirks) depends on what you wanna give me

She removes the tray with food from the bed and lays down. She talks like she's running out of breathe and she sounds so sexy.

Elaine: come

I look at her for a second then take off my t-shirt and get on top of her. The minute I get on top of her she holds me and kiss me.

Billie: I missed this

Elaine: (moan) let me cater to you

Billie: just do as I say

Elaine: (moan) okay


Elaine's POV

It was now noon and I was preparing for Zara and Claudia's arrival while Manu was swimming with the kids. I was wearing shorts and a hoodie when the doorbell rang, I went to open and it was them.

Elaine: hey come in

Zara: hey, how are you?

Claudia: hey

Elaine: I'm good, you guys?

Claudia: we're good

We go sit in the lounge and they tell me about how miserable my baby was when I was away. Then Manu walks in shirtless with water dripping off him, and I see Zara and Claudia staring.

Elaine: you're wetting the floor

He comes and kiss my cheek

Manu: aren't you gonna introduce me?

Elaine: Manu this is Zara and Claudia, guys this is my older brother Emanuel

He walks up to them and take Claudia's hand in his hand and kiss it then move to Zara and does the same but their eyes lock

Elaine: Manu aren't you supposed to be with the kids?

Manu: yeah right

He walks away and Claudia and I turn to Zara.

Zara: what?

Elaine: what was that?

She just shrugs at us and I go make some snacks then we continue catching up but once in a while I'd catch Zara and Emanuel staring at each other. I then get a call from Billie, I excuse myself to answer.

Elaine: baby

Billie: mamas, I forgot a green file in the bedroom I'm coming to fetch it

Elaine: I was about to dish up lunch will you join us?

Billie: Uhm...okay I'm coming with Fin

Elaine: it's okay

Billie: okay I'll see you just now

She drops the call then I go set up the table for lunch, after I was done setting up Billie and Fin walk in. When Billie walks in Skylar walks to her, she was so excited to see her as she left before she woke up.

Skylar: mom you're back?

Billie: yes but only for lunch

Skylar: (frowns) okay

Billie: don't be sad I'll come back okay?

Manu comes carrying Aidan who shows off his countable teeth when he sees Billie.  Billie takes him from Manu. We gather in the table and I introduce Manu to Fin then we indulge. After lunch I go grab the file for Billie in our bedroom and she follows me. She holds me and kiss my neck.

Elaine: here's your file

Billie: thank you

She turns me around and kiss me, I kiss her back then pull away.

Elaine: you're always kissing me

Billie: because your lips are irresistable

She said that while tightening her grip on my ass

Elaine: baby you have to go

Billie: okay bye I love you

Elaine: bye

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now