212: listen to me for once

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Elaine's POV

Zara blocked me so I can't call or text her, but she still hangs out with my brother. Billie is also avoiding me, she's hardly here. She wakes up very early and comes back really late. Brian took a leave and he doesn't want to hear anything coming from me. At least I still talk to Claudia, Fin, Zoe and Drew. Claudia is the one that updates me about Billie's whereabouts when I get worried. I spent most of my day with Aidan as Skylar would be in kindergarten, Skylar no longer took home schooling classes because Billie and I saw it fit to put her in kindergarten so that way we don't disturb her. If you noticed when she was still homeschooled she'd miss classes and stuff. I also hardly saw Emanuel but he still spoke to me.

Right now it's been a week since that incident happened, so I was just doing a random research to keep my mind off things since Aidan was also asleep. The only time I get to do things is when he's sleeping, because ever since he started walking he's always running around. Today I was determined to make Billie talk to me, I'm tired of her avoiding me. Skylar's transporter dropped her and she came running.

Skylar: mommie

Elaine: hey

I pick her up and swirl with her

Elaine: how was school?

Skylar: good I made a friend, her name is Anna

Elaine: mommie's big girl, I'm so proud of you

I like how Skylar's eyes gleam whenever she comes back from school and ready to tell me about all that she did. She tell me all about it.

Skylar: where's mom?

Elaine: she's not here

Skylar: (frown)

Elaine: don't be sad I'll talk to her

Skylar: okay

Elaine: now be a big girl go put your things away and come help mom cook

By helping me cook, she just watched me and tell me stories. So basically this is our catchup session. Skylar helps me cook dinner, Emanuel comes and join us for dinner. After dinner he leaves and I tuck the kids in bed. Then also go sleep in my bedroom, in the wee hours I feel the door gently open. I sit up straight and rub my eyes

Elaine: Billie

Billie: did I wake you up?

Elaine: no

I walk up to her and touch her, she turns around to look at me

Elaine: baby I'm sorry, I should've listened to you

She just keeps quiet.

Elaine: baby please the kids miss you, punish me then and leave them out of this

She looks at me and cup my face

Elaine: I'm sorry

She just smashes her lips against mine and slide her hands under my t-shirt and cup my breasts. I moan from the pleasure and the coldness of her rings on my breasts. With her other hand she holds me by my neck and pins me against the wall, while we're still kissing.

Elaine: I'm sorry

She squeezes my boobs and a small amount of milk comes out, she feels the warmth of it then starts playing with my nipples and I moan. She does this for sometime not minding all the liquid coming out of my boobs, after a while she takes out my t-shirt and now I'm left in my thong. She looks at me then smashes her lips on mine again then walks me to bed then toss me there. She took off my thong then instantly gave me head, normally when we make love she runs around before giving me head. I take it she's really mad at me. When she connects her tongue to my happy button I arch and moan her name.

Elaine: (moan) Billieeee

I bit my lower lip so that I don't make too much noise, she eats me up without taking breaks or anything. I hear her taking out her rings but her head still in between my thigh, she then slide her fingers in without warning and I pull back a little. She pulls me back to her and thrust me aggressively, it was painful so I push her off me to take a break. She looks at me with her bad bitch face covered in my liquids.

Billie: do you want this or not?

I keep quiet and look at her, so she just pulls me back down and eats me up while fingering me. My pussy was now throbbing but she wasn't stopping.

Elaine: Billie I'm sore

She doesn't pay any attention to me and continues until I cum, after I cum she lets go off me and grab a towel to wipe me. She then covered me with the sheets and sat in the edge of the bed, I got up from the bed and I was sore but you know what fuck being sore. I get off bed and limp to her, when I get to her I sit down on the floor and look up at her.

Elaine: I'm sorry for not listening to you, I should've not done what I did. Baby I know you're mad at me but please don't involve the kids, they miss you. Billie please don't take it out on them.

She just looks at me with her ocean eyes.

Billie: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have turned my back on you. I should've known better that to act the way I did  because now it's affecting our kids.  Sorry mamas

Elaine: it's okay you don't need to apologize

Billie: but you still have to apologize to Zara and Emanuel

Elaine: to Zara I will but to Emanuel?

Billie: (sigh) babe just listen to me for once

Elaine: okay fine

Billie: did I hurt you?

She asked signalling to my pussy with her brows

Elaine: a little

Billie: I'm sorry mamas

Elaine: it's okay

Billie: come let's sleep

She picks me up from the floor and put me in bed, help me wear my t-shirt then spooned me and kiss my neck.

Billie: I love you

Elaine: I love you too


Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now