244: red lights

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Elaine's POV

I woke up early in the morning and realised that it was that time, lucky my flow is very light so no damage was done on the sheets. I gently got out of bed and went to freshen up.  After freshening up I wore one of Billie's comfortable sweat pants and hoodie. When I got out of the bathroom I found Billie already awake sitting on the bed.

Elaine: morning

Billie: morning, why are you wearing my clothes?

Elaine: I wanna be warm

Billie: I can keep you warm

Elaine: (giggle)

She gets out of bed and walk to me then pull me into her. She then started kissing my neck and I moan.

Billie: c'mere

Elaine: baby I can't

Billie: why not?

Elaine: it's that time

She nibbles on me and I giggle.

Elaine: baby I'm serious

Billie: let me see

She says that pulling the sweater I was wearing, I playfully hit her hand and she lets go.

Billie: okay come let us cuddle

Elaine: baby what's going on?

Usually I'm the clingy one so I got caught off guard when she was being clingy.

Billie: come

She leads me to bed and we sit and cuddle, I feel her temperature but she was not burning.

Elaine: baby you're worrying me now

Billie: I dreamt of you leaving me

I look up at her and peck her lips

Elaine: I'm not gonna leave you

Billie: you left with the kids and you were denying me access to them.

Elaine: baby I'm not gonna leave you okay? I love you, I would never deny you access to your own kids.

Billie: it was just a bad dream

Elaine: (smile) I love you okay

Billie: let me see how much you love me

She gets on top of me and start kissing my neck and I giggle because the kisses weren't erotic but they were giddy. She puts her hands in the sweat pants and grab my ass then tries to take off my under gametes but I hold her hand and stop her in her motion.

Elaine: baby let me go make you breakfast

Billie: baby come on, I don't mind your red lights

Elaine: (giggle) baby let go

She gets her hands out my sweat pants and I get off bed and go make breakfast. After sometime she comes downstairs wearing a tank top and capris with a beanie. I laugh to myself because she made sure to look hella good when she can't even touch me.

Elaine: you look good

Billie: (smile) thank you

She comes and stand behind me and loop her arms around me and start stealing food in the pot.

Elaine: you're gonna finish all of the food babe

Billie: it tastes good

Elaine: the kids aren't awake yet?

Billie: no

She started kissing my neck. To be honest with you I like this, I like how clingy Billie can be. I like it when her hands are all over me. I hold the back of her head while she kisses me. She then slides in her hand under the hoodie and massage my breast and I moan. While we were still doing that I hear Skylar's footsteps so Billie quickly takes out her hand and stop kissing me. I also fix myself up, Billie and I are very touchy but we never do anything besides kissing in front of our kids.

Elaine: morning baby

Skylar: mom

She goes to Billie and she picks her up.

Billie: let's go brush your teeth

Elaine: oh please check Aidan

Billie: yes mamas

Then they go upstairs

Sequel Of Elaine|Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now