237: fruity

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Elaine's POV

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting better because of therapy, even though I hated the idea at first. Lately I smile a lot, no like genuinely smiling because I'm happy. Zara and everyone else came over all the freaking time but I had to learn to accept that they are trying to take care of me. I was left with Tinker Skylar's puppy who was now three months. She is white, fluffy and super tiny i was watching a movie with her when she started scratching me.

Elaine: wanna poop?

She continues scratching me, I get of the couch and open the door for her and she goes to poop. After she was done doing her business she plays around in the garden.

Elaine: Tinker come

She doesn't come, she runs away instead.

Elaine: Tinker come we haven't finished watching the movie

She just runs faster, I step out and go fetch her caring a snack. She quickly comes back then I scoop her. I walk back in the house with her and find Billie.

Elaine: babe

Billie: mamas, did you go for a walk?

Elaine: no Tinker had to poop

Billie: oh

I kiss her cheek then sit opposite her where I was sitting before.

Elaine: (smile) how was your day?

Billie: it was okay I guess nothing new or anything except that I'll be here the next few days

Elaine: oh why is there a problem?

Billie: you don't want to spend time with me?

Elaine: you know I'd love too, in fact I'd be honoured I hardly see you

Billie: I'm sorry mamas, I'll make it up to you

Elaine: it's okay

Billie: wanna go for a walk?

Elaine:  yeah sure, let me change into something warmer

Billie: okay

I go wear jeans and one of Billie's hoodies and I see a gift bag in the closet. I open it and see a Louis Vuitton durag and few other things. I go downstairs and put a leash on Tinker then we go.

Elaine: who gave you that gift bag?

Billie: Louis Vuitton is doing a promo

Elaine: can I please have the durag?

Billie: what you gonna do with it?

Elaine: wear it

Billie: what am I gonna wear?

Elaine: babe you don't even wear durags

Billie: do you?

Elaine: I'll start now

We stroll on the beach and talk, she asks about how I feel and stuff like that. We talk about random things you know couple-y things.

Elaine: imagine having an infant

Billie: you want another baby?

Elaine: Aidan is too young and I'm not at my best mentally

Billie's POV

I stop her in her tracks and she looks at me, the sun was setting and it was a little windy so the sun highlighted her brown eyes and her hair was being blown by the wind. I swear she looked like a painting.

Billie: so if you were okay and Aidan was not this young you would've wanted another baby?

Elaine: we'll I'd have to talk to you first, I can't make such a huge decision by myself

Billie: I personally wouldn't mind having a mini you or me

Elaine: you want a girl?

Billie: not necessarily, you is Skylar me is Aidan. I'm daddy after all aren't I?

Elaine: (giggle) oh okay daddy

Billie: you look like a painting

Elaine: (smile) you should see yourself you look like one of those Greek goddesses.

Billie: let's go back now it's getting a little chilly

Elaine: okay

We go back in the house and we take a shower together then she massages me.

Billie: I could get used to this

Elaine: I just wanna thank you for not giving up on me

I just smile and kiss her hand.

Elaine: I didn't know how else to thank you

I arm drag her on top of me and I lie on my back looking at her.

Billie: you didn't know how to thank me?

Elaine: (giggle) yes baby I wanted to do something different. I thought maybe you wanna relax

Billie: let me show you how I wanna be thanked

I start leaving wet kisses on her neck and she giggles.

Elaine: I thought you wanted something different

Billie: y'know I'm always fruity for you

Elaine: what if I say I don't want to?

Billie: then I'll beg you on my knees if I have to

Elaine: beg me I wanna see

I get her off me and get on my knees and she just laughs. It was good seeing her laugh even though she was playing with me, she then takes off her jeans and T-shirt and she's only left with her sexy undergarments.

Elaine: come sit

I go sit on the bed and she dances for me


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