Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 6

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Guernica was now seen walking around the castle before he sensed a nearby presence approaching him.

???:" Wait!!! That crest....... Are you the Child of Mathias?" the person asked as Guernica turned revealing to be no other than Cyprus wielding his new hammer.

 Are you the Child of Mathias?" the person asked as Guernica turned revealing to be no other than Cyprus wielding his new hammer

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Guernica raised an eyebrow as he sensed the fire burning within the man.

Cyprus:" Answer me!!! Are you one of his children!!!" he demanded to Guernica.

Guernica:" I am." he said with a side glare.

Cyprus:" Then this is the hour of your death!" he said as he slammed the hammer on the ground generating a powerful blast of divine energy towards Guernica.

Guernica scoffed as he backhanded the attack which blew part of the castle in the process.

Guernica then look at his hand seeing it wounded before it healed.

Guernica:" If you're really a warrior and not some runt running around with a powerful weaponry such as that, you might be able to do more than this pathetic perfomance of yours." he said taunting the Phoenix Prince.

Cyprus scoffed as he started spinning his hammer.

Guernica:" Why are you here? Your father killed my mother out of lust for blood. And we fired back. This is only fair don't you think?" he asked while shrugging with a smirk on his face.

Cyprus:" Mathias is abroad in the lands. He has an army of monsters. He's determined to wipe out all the mortal life wherever he finds it. And you as his son stand for this! Just like the other one who I suppose is your sister!" he told to Guernica.

Guernica:" Is that what you believe?" he asked with a calm tone.

Cyprus:" That Mad King released his horde? That's a fact. There's no 'belief' involved." he said as Guernica simply starred down the Phoenix Prince.

The Vermillion haired tilted his head as Cyprus kept talking.

Cyprus:" I know what you are." he said as he firmly pointed his hammer at Guernica.

Guernica:" And what am I?" he asked with a taunting tone as his sclera turned black as his eyes glowed bright golden.

Cyprus:" A Fallen." he said with a glare of despise.

Guernica:" HeheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he then removed the tears from his face.

Guernica summoned his blade and smirked at Cyprus.

Cyprus stood on guard carefully.

Guernica swong his blade generating an wind blade attack towards Cyprus as Cyprus countered by making himself intangible by activating his Phoenix Form.

Cyprus then flew at immeasurable speed leaving a blue trail on flames behind him as he swong his hammer hitting Guernica directly in the face launching him through several walls.

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