Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 3

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Angela was now seen with her soldiers on their Pegasus walking around the forest before she raised an hand.

Angela:" We'll rest a bit." she said.





Meanwhile with Cyprus he was seen guarding up the entrance of the hut to make sure an attempt wouldn't have happened again.

But he also got a view of what was happening in the Polis as the citizien were closing themselves in their homes.

A frown appeared on Cyprus's face.

Cyprus:" We're insane for staying here." he said with a glare on his face as he looked at the cloudy sky.

Cyprus rose up, still holding his hammer as the sky was getting more and more cloudy.





Back with Angela's group, they were seen in a dark forest camping with the Holy flames being their only light as Angela was observing the map of Therondia.

Back with Angela's group, they were seen in a dark forest camping with the Holy flames being their only light as Angela was observing the map of Therondia

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Angela's eyes glowed bright blue as the map lines started glowing.

Soldier:" What is it?" he asked.

Angela:" A map within a map." she said.

Soldier 2:" What language is that? Can you read it?" he asked.

Angela:" No. But I know someone who can. Circe The Wiccan." she said.

Soldier 3:" The ruler of the Merlot?" she asked before they all heard a tree branch snap.

Footsteps were seen heard around the area as Angela kept a calm demeanour the entire time.

All of the sudden a pack of Demons came down from the sky and landed right infront of them.

The Demons growled.

Demon:" Give us the map!" he ordered

Angela kept a cold look on her face before all of the sudden and air blade attack was trown towards their direction as Angela jumped out of the way and flew into the sky, however sadly most of her group didn't make it out.

Angela turned her sight to see Vanitas Belnades riding a Chimerawith her hands behind her back.

Angela glared at Vanitas who in returned smirked.





Back at the small hut, Armenia was seen sharpening the knife for the cooking until all of the sudden she felt suddenly a cold chill on her spine as she noticed that one of the windows were opened as she went to close it.

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