Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 4

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In the Village of Therondia, lightning was seen striking in the sky, making Greta eyes shoot up from the shock as she was writting letters for the Bishop while Lancelot was seen carrying a cup of water.

Lancelot:" What is it?" he asked.

Greta:" It's raining. The sky was so clear until a moment ago." she said.

Lancelot:" ........ Are you worried about him, Greta?" he asked.

Greta:"......... I have a bad feeling....... I can't express it well, but.... I feel something terrible is still about to happen.... It's an awful...... Odd.When that terrible thing happened only a moment ago........" she said as she put an hand over her chin.

Lancelot looked at Greta in confusion as Greta then layed her head on the table.

Greta:(............ Where did you go.......... Guernica?) she thought in her head before the door of a room opened up violently revealing Guernica himself.

Lancelot eyes widen.

Lancelot:" Y-You!! W-What are you?" he asked.

Guernica:"......................... What?........................ Oh......... I see...... Sorry, but.... I have to leave now....... The Purge....... will be coming...." he said he started making his way towards the front door to leave before Lancelot grabbed him by his coat.

Lancelot:" W-Wait! You're going without any explanation?!? That Sinful Devil from the last time, what was that?!? And what do you mean 'The Purge'? Are you a Devil too?!?" he asked.

Guernica:"................... I wonder aswell........" he said as his sclera turned black as his eyes glowed bright golden making Lancelot shocked.

Guernica:".................... I'm on a Level you can't possibly understand........." he said as the room turned pitch black with multiple golden eyes appearing.

Greta eyes widen as a Demonic Entity appeared behind Guernica.

Guernica:" I was immersed with evil ever since birth. I commanded it. My powers attract the ways of Darkness. They are cursed. Although I look human..... I'm far from that. And there's not doubt I can inflict harm on you mortals. If I leave, this place will be safer. The power I have.... I cannot use it. Not for the people. Not for the Devils." he said as in a white flash of light everything returned to normal, but this time Guernica was gone.

Lancelot was shocked by what just happened.

Lancelot:( He disappeared into nothing....) he thought in his head trying to process what just happened.

Greta:" The rain's coming down harder..................... I hope he's allright." she said as she was worried for Guernica as Lancelot looked at her then nodded.

Lancelot:"...................... He seems like a pretty tough guy........ And he's different from what I thought he would be....." he said.







Meanwhile with Angela, Gnosis, Cyprus and Armenia were seen travelling in a flying ship to avoid getting attacked by the Night Creatures of the Sea as they managed to reach the Island of Circe.

Meanwhile with Angela, Gnosis, Cyprus and Armenia were seen travelling in a flying ship to avoid getting attacked by the Night Creatures of the Sea as they managed to reach the Island of Circe

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