Chapter 6 - Yavin 4

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Ines was sitting alone, looking down. She only met the old Jedi hours ago but she liked him. He was good man. Today was a horrible day, losing her planet, and family, friends, people and now Ben. What else will happen that day?

Even 3PO and R2 stood there in silence.

She felt someone siting next to her and looking to her right she saw Luke. He was also sad, she knew it by looking at him.

Luke looked at her and wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and that made her break down. Everything that happened that day just came through her. Luke pulled her towards him and wrapping his arms around her, he rest his cheek on the top of her head. He knew they didn't need to say anything. He could feel her pain and he was feeling the same thing. Today they both lost the people they loved and a mentor.

After a while, she started to calm down and pulling apart she looked at him.

"I'm sorry" she told making Luke smiled at her and wipe the tears from her eyes.

"You don't need to say sorry. I know what you feeling right now" he told.

"Normally I'm the type of person who don't cry but today was too much for me to handle" she looked at him.

After a few minutes of silence Ines spoke

"Luke. You heard didn't you?"

Luke look at her. She didn't need to tell him what she was talking about. He heard what looked like Ben's voice telling them to run. He nod at her.

Leia appeared with a blanket and wrapped on top of them. Ines smiled at her and both their friends held their hands. At least they still had each other.

"I'm really sorry" she told them.

"I can't believe he is gone" Luke finally said, still holding Ines near him.

"There wasn't anything that both of you could have done, really" Leia told them.

Han appeared and by the look at his face, they knew there was not over yet.

"Come on, buddy. We're not out of this yet"

Ines looked back at him and then to Luke, who giving a last look at her, stood up and followed Han.

While they were heading to the machines gun, Leia and Ines heading towards the cockpit where Chewie stood.

The ship started to shake and then they saw them: 4 tie fighters.

"That was too good to be true" Ines told under her breath

"Here they come" Leia informed Luke and Han.

The blasters made the lights of the ship flick on and off. This was not going to be an easy task.

Han and Luke were down there, shooting at ships but it was to difficult to caught up on them

"They're coming to fast" Luke yelled.

The ship shook and all of the sudden got hit.

"We've lost the lateral controls" Leia informed them.

"Don't worry." Han's voice was heard "She'll hold together"

"I hope you are right cause I don't know what will happen if they hit us one more time" Ines told him.

Han looked at around and said to himself

"Hear me, baby? Hold together"

The tie fighters continue to blast them, but this time Han and Luke could hit them, exploding them.

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