Chapter 164 - In Danger

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When they left the Falcon they couldn't believe the destruction they were seeing. The base and the surrounding houses were gone. Ashes and burning trees surround the place.

"This is barely recognizable," Han said waking through the rumble.

"I know." Luke nod.

"Well at least they took some of the bodies back to their families and buried the others," Yana spoke and she looked around. It was the first time she saw the results of an attack. Apart from Idda, she, Nelah and Ieneh never saw anything like that before. The only time they were in some type of mission, when last year on Varykino, when they all went with Master Luke, explore that old and abandoned mansion that belonged to the Emperor.

Now this was a totally different thing. Sensed that Luke looked at the girls.

"You will still see a lot of this in your future. Probably worst. So you need to be prepare."

Looking at them they nod.

"We know Master Luke!" Nelah spoke looking at him.

"We knew that the Empire would always find a way to not disappeared for good," Ieneh nod.

"But it is still sad that innocent people needs to die for their ideas and how mean people still exists out there," Yana spoke looking at her friends.

Idda was the only one who saw how these Imperial officers worked. After all she saw Master Ines's brother take his own life because he didn't want to go to prison. Even if he was not a bad person like the people who did this, but he shot at them when they entered in the mansion. And this time, there was a clone of her Jedi Master, who murdered innocent people, which made her upset since she knew the real Luke Skywalker would never do that.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she looked up and smiled at Luke who nod at her.

"I know Idda. And I'm glad you think that of me."

"Well is it upsetting the fact that they are using your image to do something so horrible when we all know the real you and you would never do this," she said looking around.

"Idda is right. It is upsetting but makes me mad too," Nelah said. "It is that wrong?"

"Well I understand why you feel that. You know the real me. Trust me I don't like the situation either, that is why we need to stop that clone."

"You mean kill him?" Yana asked at him.

"If we don't have a choice," Luke answered.

"That will be strange, knowing he looks like you," Ieneh said sighing.

"Yes he looks like me, but he is NOT me and you know this," Luke smiled. "Come on, let's see what else we can find" and they all followed towards Han and Chewie who were near of what he looked like a rumble of a big place.

"I knew this would happened?" Han said.

"What?" Luke asked him.

"These rumbles belonged to the Takodana Castle," Han said looking at Luke who eyes wide.

"Wait, the Takodana Castle?" Idda said. They heard about this place in History class. Takodana Castle was once occupied by the Jedi and its catacombs contained tombs of Jedi Knights. It was rumored to have been a battleground for the Jedi and Sith.

"Master Luke now we know why Takodana was a target." Idda said looking at him.

"Yes and I didn't ever remember that. Of course. This place was once occupied by the Jedi and there was a big battle between Jedi and Sith," Luke nod looking around.

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