Chapter 168 - The women of his life

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2 days had passed since they arrived at Coruscant and Idda was in the hospital. Luke wanted to visit his student the next day, but Idda's parents told that she spend the night well and since she was still a little sleepy all day because of the anesthesia, they told him, he and Ines could visit Idda a few days later, when she was way more awake.

Ines woke up in a fogy day and stretched herself in bed. Looking to her right she smiled when she saw Luke sleeping. Finally he slept all night and a peaceful sleep and he deserved it. Kissing gently his forehead, she got out of bed, and after went to the bathroom, she decided to check her kids. Her sweet Ben was still sleeping. She smiled when she saw him, on his left side, sucking his thumb.

Cover him up, she left the room and went to her twins bedroom, expecting to see her sweet Padmé awake, but this time, their daughters decided to trick her and the one who was actually awake was Alli.

"Hey, look who is awake," she told, smiling when her 6 months old daughter smiled back at her.

Pulling the covers aside, Ines picked her up.

"Good morning my beautiful Alli. You beat your sister today?" she said kissing her check.

Taking her daughter to the change room, Ines changed her diaper, while the baby kept focus on the poster on her left. The wall where Ines and Luke had the changing table had the picture of the celebration day when Leia gave Luke, Han and Chewie their medals after Luke blew up the death star. Picking her, Ines smiled.

"What is it? Who are those?" she asked smiling when Alli giggle, "Here is Dada. And here is Uncle Han and Uncle Chewie. Here is Auntie Leia. And over here is Mama with R2 and 3PO," she said pointing at the figures, while Alli kept focus on them. "You like to watch it don't you?" Ines said kissing her forehead, "Come on let's prepare your bottle." and taking them to the kitchen, she put Alli on her bouncing chair, while she prepare the bottle, with the milk she pumped last night.

Ines still have a lot of milk for their twins which please her a lot, since she wanted to breastfeed as much as she could, even if their kids were already eating soup which they loved and some fruit puree too.

After the bottle being ready, she picked Alli from the chair. The baby started to whimp.

"I know you, you are hungry. Just relax, your meal is ready," she said and sitting down, she gave the bottle, smiling when Alli tried to grab it. "You are getting so big," she said kissing the top of her head while her baby continue to suck on the bottle. "Yummy isn't it?" she giggled.

Looking at the time, she noticed that was a little over 7 in the morning. Today her sweet Alli was the morning bird.

After feeding her baby, she stood up and while tapping her little back, helping the baby to burped, she walked to her own bedroom where Luke was awake, laying on his back.

"Good morning dada," Ines said. "Look baby girl, look who just awake." smiling when her daughter burped. "Nice." she laughed and walking towards her bed, she get under covers, laying their daughter between her and Luke.

"Hey baby girl," Luke said rubbing her belly, while Alli looked at him and smile, while grabbing her little feet and babble. "I can see that. Today you were the one who decided to wake up before your sister," he told her laughing when the baby respond to him with a babble making Luke kissed her forehead. "Sweet girl," he said and looked at Ines who was supporting herself on her right elbow. "Morning to you too gorgeous," he said leaning forward and kissed her.

"Morning handsome," she replied.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"7 in the morning. Today this little one decided to wake up before everyone else," she smiled at her daughter and looked at him. "I see you slept well."

"Yes I did but I will always relax when I see Idda with my own eyes." he told her.

"I want to see her too to be honest," Ines said. "When do you want to see her?"

"Later after lunch." he informed her.

"I'm going with you." Ines told making Luke nod and then they laughed when they heard some babble, indicating their other twin had awake.

"I'll go this time," Luke said and standing up he head towards the twins bedroom and smiled when Padme smiled at him the moment she saw him.

"Morning sweet Padmé," he said picking her up and kissed her forehead.

"You know, when you get older I will tell you the origin of your name." he said smiling when the baby looked at him, focus on his voice. "Dada never met your grandmother and wish I could have met her. I wish she could see what Dada accomplished. That she was right. That there was still good in your grandfather and Dada was able to bring him back to the good side" he said looked at his sweet Padmé, that babble and put her little right hand on his face, making him smile. "I know. I'm sure she would be happy to know that she was right. And I wish she could have meet you and your twin sister and your older brother. And also I'm sure she would be proud of your Auntie Leia. That she was able to fight the Rebellion and she risk her life for a cause that your grandmother actually started," he said sighing.

He really wish he had meet his mother.

He loved aunt Beru too, she was the closest mother he knew.

"You have the name of the two women who were my mother. Your grandmother and your aunt Beru. She would love all of you. She hand made many of my clothes and toys. She taught me how to garden vegetables and fruits. She taught me the value of growing and taking care of things. It was through her that I had a foundation of patience and providing love and affection to something other than himself. I still do it in memory of her. She taught me how to sew as well."

Padmé babble make smile

"I know. Dada sewing. Shocking. But I never quite got a strong hand of it, but let me tell you that I was able to fix my clothes up real well whenever tears were made." he said while walking towards the change room and started changing his daughter's diaper, remembered the things aunt Beru did with him.

Looking at his daughter he smile when he remembered that aunt Beru also hummed lullabies to him when Uncle Owen was out. He used to hum them to himself at night when he couldn't sleep during the time he was part of the rebellion and slept alone. She was the one who taught him how to use his speeder on Tatooine. She did not teach him to be a speed-demon and she scolded him often for his dangerous antics.

"You know that aunt Beru used to be a terrible cook. But she learned how to do it better after because your father struggled eating and was very picky. Not anymore, I know," he said.

Picking his daughter after changing her, he smiled. If only aunt Beru could see him now. "For me aunt Beru was always the woman of my life, now I'm lucky enough to have 3. Your mother and you and your sister. But she will always be in my heart. So you have the name of two important women of my life. The mother I always wanted to know but never met and the aunt who will always be a mother to me. So be proud of your name my sweet daughter. My sweet Padmé Beru," he smiled kissing her cheek.

This chapter was a little tribute to aunt Beru and I wanted Luke to remember the things he did with her and a moment between Ines and Luke with twins. What did you think of it?

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