Chapter 135 - Rescuing Alli

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Kino and Idda were in the lower levels already. They passed the bars and they were heading to a part where there were very isolate and little by little they started to see less and less people.

"A few more meters and we reach where that woman is with Alli," Kino said, while Idda looked around. That place gave her the creeps and she was starting to feel that maybe they shouldn't be there.

"Kino, I think we should wait for Master Luke and the others."

"What? Not you too. Come on Idda, you will not chicken out now that we so close. Alli needs us right now. And we don't know how long Master Luke will get here and it can be too late for her."

Idda looked at him and then looked around. What if Alli's life was in danger?

"I just don't want Master Luke to be upset and expelled us from the Academy because we put his daughter's life at risk."

"What ever. If you want to stay here waiting for them, fine. I will go in and take that woman down myself," he said and he stopped at the metal door. Taking off his lightsaber he ignited it and was about to stuck in the metal door when all of the sudden his hands couldn't move. It felt like he was stuck.

Idda looked behind her and gasped when she saw them.

"Master Luke! Master Ines!"

"What do you think you are doing here alone?" Ines asked them in a whispered.

Idda opened her mouth but shut it and looked down. She knew right there how disappointed they were with her.

"Kino give me that," Luke said extending his hand. Kino knew what he want and with a sighed he gave it his lightsaber. "You too Idda!" looking at the Togruta student who also passed her lightsaber.

"Are we expelled from the Academy?" she asked him and looked at Ines.

"I will talk to you later. Until then your lightsabers stay with me and I hope you think of this. Now go home."

"But we can..." Kino started but the look that Luke gave him, made him stop in mid sentence.

"We better do what he says Kino. Let's go," Idda said grabbing his arm.

"I do hope you go to your homes or you will get in bigger trouble," Luke said as he watched the kids left.

Putting their lightsabers on his belt, he looked at his family.

Han was holding his blaster looking at the door.

"There is no lock or anything," he told them

"We don't need that," Ines told him as Luke probing with the force and all of the sudden the door slide open.

"Let's go quietly," he said grabbing his lightsaber being followed by Ines.

With a nod, they all entered inside a small place.

"This is really small," Ines said looking around to the living room. Walking around they knew right there it was impossible for Alli to be there.

"No one is here," Dan said. "This is small. Maybe she took her somewhere else."

Han hate that but he agreed with Dan. The room had a living room, a small kitchen at the front and on the left a door that lead to a bedroom with a small bathroom.

"Dan is right. There is nothing here."

Ines and Luke looked at each other.

"She is here. I feel it," Ines said looking around.

"Ines how. Look at this place." Dan said, "Look we will search this levels even if we have to knock at every door," he looked at her. But Ines was not paying attention to her brother. With her lightsaber on her hand, she felt the force pulled her to the bedroom and to the closet. Luke was feeling that too and followed her.

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