Chapter 117 - Remembering

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Luke was siting on a bench, with his right arm around Ines shoulders, watching their son, playing with the pebbles from the floor. It was a few hours after Luke returned from the mansion and he decided to sit down with his wife and son before dinner time, while their students went inside to have a shower and rest for a while. They were very great on their first outdoor mission and they were pretty good to evaluate things and understood and they were very attentive towards everything.

"They were amazing. With more training they are good for a mission when they arrive. I'm so proud of them." Luke said with a smile on his face while he looked at his son who had put his stuffed X-Wing on the bench and walked towards the pebbles on the floor and bending down he grabbed some and walked towards his father and mother and handle the pebbles.

"What's this baby?" Ines smiled "For me?"

Ben looked at his mother and nod

"Aww thank you sweetie." she said. "What about Dada?"

Ben looked at his father and walked to the same spot he bent over and grabbed some, then walked to his father and handle the pebbles to him all proud of it.

"Thank you baby." Luke said smiling as their son continue to play with R2 near him, beeping making him giggling.

Ines looked at Luke

"So you were right. Someone is right there"

Luke looked at her and nod

"Yes. Not only in the kitchen, with that still warm cup of tea, but also upstairs in one of the bedrooms, the bed was clearly clean comparing to the other ones."

"Are you suspicious of someone? Good or bad?" she asked and rest her hand on her belly.

Luke understood why she asked him that and pulling her closer, he kissed her forehead.

"I don't think it is bad because if it was I'm sure whoever is there, already had done something. I think someone is there hiding from everyone"

"Including the Empire followers?"

"I think especially from them." Luke told her and they both looked ahead of them to the mansion above from the other side of the lake.

"And what better than the former place of the Emperor himself." Ines said

"Exactly babe." he told nodding. "But I need to tell Leia once she and Han arrived from their honeymoon in a 1 week"

"I miss them but I'm so happy they are enjoying their honeymoon and everything is fine with Leia and her pregnancy." Ines smiled at her baby who walked towards her and taking off his pacifier he handle to her and walked towards R2.

"I miss them too. Han became a great friend. One, if not the best friend I ever had." Luke said smiling

"True, I only saw you two fight once"

Luke looked at his wife

"Han and I fighting? I don't remember that"

"Really? Don't you remember the time you were really nasty towards him when you caught us hugging?"

Luke nod. He remembered now.

"I was jealous" he said

"Jealous, but you were dating Shira at the time. Besides he was hugging me because I was crying." she looked at him. She remembered that day. It was a year before they moved to Hoth and when Luke and Ines really started to date.

1 Year Before the Battle of Hoth:

A 20 years old Ines was walking down the corridor of the new Rebel Base. Since the Battle of Yavin that the Rebels were moving from Base to Base. Right now they were in Orto Plutonia. They were there for a while after they had to leave Yavin. There was a really snowstorm outside and Ines was not in the mood for hanging out in the local bar in the base like they always did after dinner.

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