Chapter 10 - Hoth

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3 years later:

Three years had passed since the destruction of the Death Star. Since then, the Rebels didn't have one single day of peace, going to system to system, many times running from the Empire. A month ago they settle down in Hoth, an icy planet that could freeze everything.

Luke left his room, getting ready for his patrol time. Since they arrived they had schedules patrolling the place, checking any sign of the empire. With 22 years old now, Luke was now a Commander and he still felt a little uncomfortable but everyone treated him with respect, especially after he cleared his name when he shot at Shira, a supposed rebel pilot that in the end it was discovered she was an imperial spy. He didn't want to think of that, because thinking of her, it also made him think of the relationship they had, which made him really upset when he find out she was only used him, and everything she said to him was all a plan.

In the past three years Luke had only two relationships: with Shira, but the first one was with Nakari Kelen. They went on a mission together and they started to have feelings for each other, that developed to a serious relationship that even turned physical. They were thinking to make it official when they returned, but she died, cause by an explosion and that left him devastated.

After the Shira fiasco, he decided that it was better not get involved with anyone, but there was someone that he never stopped thinking and the past year, he kept thinking of her all the time, especially when she got distant from him and that pained him. He wanted to have her close to him again.

"Hey Luke"

Luke stopped and turned around, smiling when he saw his buddy Han. After the Battle of Yavin, Han decided to stay with the Rebellion and he liked to have his friend close.

"Hey Han" he replied "Getting ready for another circle?"

"Always." he nod at the same time he was putting his gloves on. "What kind of planet they had to choose. Why not some place with a nice white sandy beach"

Luke laughed. Han never changed.

As they had to the south entrance, where their tauntauns were, they stop when they saw Ines approached them.

Once Luke saw her, he felt the same sensation he was feeling the past year. Ines looked at him and as usual she didn't smile at him. He missed that.

She looked at Han and smiled at him, which made Luke jealous. Yes, he was jealous.

"Hey Han. I heard you are about to leave us?"

"Yes kid. I still have some debts to pay"

"I hope you can come back soon Han. We need you here"

"Well, well, who knew that someday you would say this" he winked at her, making her slap his arm

"I'm going to miss you"

"What did you say?" Han laughed

"Please don't make me repeat that" she laughed too.

Then she looked at Luke and getting serious she handled a schedule.

"Here is the schedule for your next circle" she said and with that she looked at Han

"Goodbye Han"

"Bye kid" and they looked at her while she disappeared.

Once she was gone Han looked at Luke and shook his head.

"What?" he asked him

"I wonder when you two finally tell each other about your feelings"

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