Chapter 157 - Finding out the truth

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Days had passed and after 4 days in the hospital, Leia and Han finally were able to bring their daughter home. Just like they promise they took to the visit the grave of her brother, and even bought a bouquet of flowers to put on it. It was an emotional moment, since that kid in a way died a hero, giving his life to safe on of theirs, but deep inside he knew his sister would not be alone.

After that, Iris started to feel a little tired and, picking her up, Han and Leia took her home, where she had to stay on bed rest at least for another week, but little by little she was getting better. She was getting more color on her cheeks, her appetite had return, but one thing they notice, she didn't want to eat those blue macaroons anymore. The poor girl got scared of those for the rest of her life.

Because she almost died, she had a lot of visits from friends from her school, from Kino, Davi and Idda, even calls from the other Temple Students who knew what happened and always talk to her when they could.

She also got visit from Dan, Gracy and Ken, who gained a tight hug from her and thanks for saving her life, and of course Luke, Ines and the kids visited her every day. Not mention, Chewie spoiled a lot, and she spend a lot of time with 3PO, which she liked. Somehow that droids always made her laugh, and she loved when 3PO started to tell her the whole story when he and R2 met her uncle Luke and then her father and mother and she was loving it.


2 days after being at home, Luke and Ines decided to go to Leia and Han's apartment, to see Iris but also Luke wanted to find out exactly what happened and he knew Han wanted to go with him and he was also sure Chewie would follow them too.

Entering the apartment alongside with R2, they went inside towards the bedroom, smiling when saw Iris sitting on the bed, with 3PO telling the story in Endor.

"And then Master Luke made me levitate, which made them scary and that was how they free all of them," he was say while Han rolled his eyes.

"That is right, because if it wasn't for that, your father would be a meal in 3PO's honor," Ines told her laughing.

"Yeah right, like that would ever happen," he said looking at her.

"Where's Leia?" Luke asked

"Putting the boys to take their nap," he answered him and smiled when Ben tried to climb the bed, with a little help of uncle Han and crawling towards his cousin he hugged her.

"Iwis bewer?" he asked her making the little girl laughed.

"Yes I am, I'm a lot better, thank you," she replied to making the toddler nod.


Sitting on the bed, Ines was holding Padmé on her little legs on the bed, the little baby looked around while sucking on her right hand, smiling at Han.

"Hello cutie. You are getting so big," he smiled at his niece making the little baby wave her arms and doing one of her high pitch.

Her twin sister were sitting on her father's lap, sucking her pacifier, while grabbing his hands and looking at 3PO with her blue eyes and smiled at the droid.

"What is it sweetie? It is 3PO. He is shiny right? You love shiny things," he said kissing the top of her head, making the baby smile and then look at Han.

"How is she?"

"Much better. She is in bed just for precaution, but her appetite just returned and she is good now. Next week she can go back to school."

"She is a Solo, of course she would be fine. Right Iris?" Ines asked smiling at her niece.

"Right," she said.

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