Chapter 172 - Was it worthy?

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After Dr. Lina left, Leia and Han decided to stay for a little while, discussing what they heard and what to do with that information, at the same time Luke was seeing the medical reports of the 10 people who died with that virus.

"They all died 6 days after they started to have breathing problems, which means it doesn't matter how they got it, the timeline is the same: they first have cough, then fever and then attack their lungs and 6 days after that, they died," Luke said scanning all the information.

"So what we will going to do? The Senate needs to know this. We do cycles on the lower levels. Me and Chewie do cycles and your brother and many other great friends we know. If the Senate doesn't know this, sooner or later someone of us will get sick." Han said looking at them. He was worried for his colleagues safety. He was a General and he would not send his men down there knowing there were some maniacs killing people with a deadly virus.

Leia knew he was right and had a good point.

"Darling you are right, and trust me I don't want anyone going to those levels after this. But if we tell the Senate, the Senate Hospital know someone informed us and they will figure it out that Dr. Lina was that person and I don't want her to lose her license. She already risk it by telling this and gave us these copies," Leia said.

"I know. But we need to do something. I will not sent my men down there until this continues," he replied to her.

"I think we need to tell Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. At least they need to be informed and I trust them enough," Luke said looking at them.

"I agree. I will call them to our apartment. I prefer speak with them in private then going to the Senate. I can invite them to see the twins or something," Leia told looking at Han.

"Yes I think it is a great idea and a perfect excuse for having them there," Han nod agreeing with that. "How are we going to solve this? Because we need to do something or things will get worst. If they start to spread this virus, all of free systems would be in trouble."

They all knew Han was right.

"We will think of something. Informing Mothma and Ackbar, can help. Maybe informed some of the men to be more attentive to what is happening there and of course tell them to not eat or drink anything," Luke said.


After a while, Han and Leia left to their home, to be with the kids, leaving Luke alone in the living room, since Ines was inside to check on the kids. A few minutes later, Ben came from inside, rubbing his eyes.

Luke looked at his son and smiled at him.

"Hey, look who just woke up from his nap," he said picking him up and sitting on his lap. "Did you sleep well?"

Ben nod as he focus on his father's outfit, while Luke move the bangs from Ben's forehead.

"Did you tell Papa what you just did?" Ines said coming from inside.

"What? What did you do?" Luke asked him.

Ben looked at his father and smiled.

"Poop in potty," he giggled at that.

"You poop in the potty? That is great," Luke smiled at that. For the past months Luke and Ines were potty training with him. Tell him when he want to pee or poop to tell them. It was a long journey, but apparently today was the first day he pooped in his potty, which made Luke smiled and sighed.

"Can you stop growing so fast?" He asked kissing his son's forehead making Ines smile. She felt the same and now with the news they received made that idea even stronger.


The rest of the day passed by and it was later at night. Luke was inside the twins bedroom, watching his twin girls, both sleeping peacefully, holding they stuffed 3PO and R2 on their little hands. He and Ines went to bed a little earlier, but he couldn't sleep. The information that Dr. Lina told him, didn't left his head. How they would solve this? How will they stopped this? And who was doing this? He had a suspicious, but the problem was how they would get the cure for it?

He smiled when he felt two arms wrapped around his waist.

"Couldn't sleep?" she asked him, making him nod.

Making him face her, Ines looked at him. They met each other 7 years ago, but they only started dating 4 years ago and then they were married for 3 years now. She already knew him well enough to know why he couldn't sleep.

"Still thinking of the recent news?"

Looking at her, he wrapped his arms around her body and press his lips on her forehead.

"How couldn't I? Everyone is at high risk. Someone is killing people. And so far they need to put inside some food or drink, but what if they found a way to transmit through air?"

Looking at him, Ines sighed.

"We will stop that from happen. We will find who is doing this and find a cure." she said making him look at her.

"I hope so, because all of this was in vain." Luke said.

"What Luke?"

"This. Having battle after battle. I gave myself in, back in Endor, to not only trying to bring my father back to the good side but I did it so our son would live in a free galaxy, without living in fear of something bad could happened all of the sudden. And look what is happening? That didn't change. It makes me wonder was it worth all of that?" he said sighing.

"It was worthy Luke. This time they are a small faction of them and the numbers are in our favor. The Jedi are returning and we will win again. Trust the force," she replied.

Resting his forehead on hers, Luke closed his eyes. He knew she was right.

"I know, but I'm a father now, Ines. We are a family. Our kids are everything to me. You are everything to me. My family is everything to me. Back then I didn't have anyone to worried about. My uncle and aunt were dead. When the battle of Hoth happened I had you in my life and when Endor happened, our little Ben was growing inside you. He was my motivator for doing what I did."

"And I know we will find a solution for him and for our girls" she said "Do you regret it?" she asked after a while.

"Of what, being a father? Having our children? Being with you?" he asked making her nod.


Leaning forward he kissed her. After pulling apart he looked at her.

"Never. I would do all over again. Having you and our children makes me want to be better and do better things. You give me strength and I will do whatever I can to end this, for them." he said looking at his girls.

"And I will be right by your side," she said and grabbing his hand, she smiled. "Come," she smiled and she lead him to their bedroom, making Luke smile since he knew what she had in mind and deep inside he wanted to be like that with her and as the rain fall outside, they became one inside their bedroom walls.

Will they succeed with this? What do you think of Luke thoughts at the end?

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