Chapter 39 - A special date

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Ines Lightsaber

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Ines Lightsaber

1 and 1/2 months later:

Luke came out of the Chosen Jewelry shop with a blue velvet box, caring the engagement ring he bought to Ines. They were in fact married a month and half ago in Endor by the Ewoks, but their public wedding will happen in a month and he had promise an engagement ring to her when he propose back then, and he had found one a few weeks after they moved to Coruscant. It's being a 1 and ½ month they moved to Coruscant and a lot happened during that time. He got a new prosthetic hand, since the old one was damage by one of the Jabba's hunters, but during battle he still wore the black gloves, just in case. A week later the Jedi Order had being approved by the new Senate, and he had to go to Assemble and pledge in front of the Senate that the new Jedi Order would protect the galaxy like the old one. Since then he had searching everything he could about the old Order in the Jedi Archives. In between he had finishing Ines training, who already had built her new lightsaber, and started training his sister, all that didn't give him much time to give it the ring to her properly. And then to complicated everything, a month after the Battle of Endor, a second battle appear in that same moon, and the new Alliance had to help, including him, Han and Chewie. Being away for 2 weeks was hard, knowing that Ines would be worried. In the end everything went well, and the day they returned, 4 days ago, was great.

So today was the perfect day to take her to a nice date. He already had reservations at Parsley Restaurant and then two tickets for the Opera. And in between he will give her the ring, that would fit perfectly with the wedding rings he already got.

He was about to met Ines in the Senate Office when he heard his name

"Hey Luke"

He tried to ignore the whispers around him as people passed by. He was starting to get used to the looks and comments every time he passed by on the streets. Everyone knew who he was, some of them treated him like a celebrity, which he didn't think it was fair since he didn't defeat the Empire alone, and he was not the one who killed the Emperor, it was his father, but only him and Ines knew since they were the only ones inside that Throne Room and the only ones who came out alive.

Seeing his friends he smiled

"Han! Chewie" he walked towards them.

The Wookie growled and pat Luke in the shoulder, making him laugh at that gesture.

"Wow, nice outfit, it bring back memories" Han said looking at Luke. Today he was wearing the same brown pants, black shirt and yellow jacket that he wore at the honor ceremony 4 years ago, after he destroyed the first Death Star in Yavin 4.

"Well I'm going out on a special date with my dear wife, so I think this was the right outfit."

Han nod and looked at the shop Luke just got out

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