Chapter 40 - The dress

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1 week later:

Green and Blue clashed at the moment. With a swing, Luke blocked, deflecting once again, which made Ines sighed.

"You are holding back, again" she said looking at him, holding her lightsaber on her right hand, breathing heavily. Being 15 weeks pregnant, she got tired way faster than before, but in almost 4 months of pregnancy, that day was the first time she felt good: no morning sickness, no nausea. So why not make an exercise. That morning she decided to go to the Temple with Luke and R2 and stayed with them until lunch. Even the food tasted it better.

Luke decided to make some drills but he was holding back which made her frustrated. She knew why he was doing that, and she loved him even more because of it.

Luke was calming his breathing, holding his lightsaber, looking at her

"You know why?"

"Don't do it, please"

"I can't help it. Darling, you're pregnant of course I will not attack you on full force" he said

"You're right. I'm pregnant, not sick" she said and without warning, she swing at him, making Luke blocked right away.

He sighed, if she wanted a fight he had some tricks. With his lightsaber high above his head, Luke readied his attack from classic first-position, making Ines held a lateral stance, in classic answer. Without announcement, she brought her blade straight down, and when Luke moved to parry, she feinted and cut low. Luke smiled, proudly at his wife.

As they circled, Luke deflected an attack, by ducking down and before she could turned, he grabbed her arm and with a quick move he disarmed her, taking her lightsaber and grabbing her left arm he made her turn, with her arm pinned behind her back and pulled closer to him, with a smile on his face, while they were both breathing heavily.

"That is a cheap move Skywalker" she laughed at him, especially when she noticed he was trying to get closer to her lips.

"You still have much to learn, Skywalker" he smiled as he gently bite her lower lip, asking for a deep kiss that she allowed.

Smiling they pulled back, and she wrapped her right leg over his tripping him, which made him fall on the floor with a hard hit, more than she wanted.

"Damn" he said when his head hit the floor making Ines gasped and lay on top of him

"Oh Babe I'm sorry, I didn't want to be like that" she said to him giving him a ton of small kisses all over his face, making Luke laughed and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh my poor husband"


They both look to the side to see a Leia, standing at the entrance of the training room of the Jedi Temple, with her hands on her hips, having a look that could kill them.

Standing up from the floor, Ines rolled her eyes.

"Jeez Leia, for a moment I thought I was hearing my mother. Every time she called me by my full name, minus the Skywalker, I knew I did something bad" she said at Luke making him laugh at that.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, making Ines and Luke looked at each other

"I'm with my husband training a little bit. Why are you so upset?" Ines was not understanding Leia's reaction.

"Why I'm upset? Did you forget that we have an appointment to the wedding dress shop in 30 minutes?"

Ines gasped. The wedding dress, she totally forgot it was that day.

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