Chapter 181 - New Ally in the Future

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As they left Wald's shop, they were heading towards their ship. They were passing through one of the cantina of Mos Espa, when they heard someone called them

"Master Luke! Master Ines!"

Stopping on their tracks, they look to their left and smiled when they saw their two students: Ieneh and Alena, coming inside from the Cantina, with their lightsaber attached on their belts.

"Ena, Ie!" Ben called them

"Hello Ben," Alena said crouching in front of the toddler and gave him a hug, while Ieneh played with the twins, who smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" Ieneh asked smiling.

"Master Ines and I decided to stay here on Tatooine for a few weeks, and we came here because I need some parts, and I heard Wald's parts had what I need," Luke answered her Padawan.

"You went to the right place," Ieneh nod.

"But what you two are doing inside of a Cantina? Aren't you two still too young for that?" Ines asked looking at them.

"We are with our fathers. Come," Alena said grabbing Luke's right hand as they entered in the cantina.

"Father, look who Ieneh and I found outside?" she said smiling.

"Master Skywalker, what a pleasure surprise," Alena's father said. "Hey guys, let me introduce the man, who not only free us from the Empire, but also from slavery from the Hutt's clan alongside his sister and friends. Our daughters Jedi Master Luke Skywalker."

Luke stood still without knowing what to say at that, especially when everyone stopped talking and looked at him.

"Thank you Master Skywalker," an old man came and shook his hand. "Uyti serve a drink to this hero!"

"Oh no thank you. I didn't eat anything. But thank you anyway," he said waving to the bartender who put the drink away.

"You may had free the galaxy from the Empire, but for us you did something even greater: you free all of us from Slavery the day you and your friends killed Jabba the Hutt. With that, we were free."

"I'm glad to know that, but my intention, I mean our intention was to free an old friend," Luke said to the old man.

"Either way you are our hero here. Besides I knew your grandmother Shmi, she was a great and kind woman. I'm sure she is proud of her grandson right now. You look so much like your father when he was young: the blond hair, the blue eyes," the old man smiled making Luke smiling at him.

"Master Luke will stay with us?" Ieneh asked him.

"We were heading home. We need to give the meals to these little fellas. But it was nice to see you."

"Maybe we can visit you back in your farm," Alena asked.

"We will love it," Ines said smiling and waving back, they went to their ship heading to the moister farm.


The day as passed calmly. The duo suns shone up in the sky, making the day to hot for the kids to be outside. After arriving at the farm, Ines prepare the meals, after putting the twins on their meal chair, while Luke was fixing the powers being watched by Ben, making him smile. His boy would be like him in terms of fixing things for sure.

After lunch they all had a nice nap.

It was before dinner, and Ines was setting the table, hearing laughter in the small patio of the farm. Walking towards it she couldn't help to giggled at the scene:

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