Chapter 166 - Feeling Guilty

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The Millennium Falcon had just entered in Coruscant system. For the past 48 hours they had traveled from Takodana to Coruscant, hoping to arrive in time, since Idda was injured. The fact that Luke had the idea to put her on ice, helped to stopped the bleeding. They kept checking her vitals for the past days. When they saw Coruscant in front of them, they couldn't help to sigh in relieve.

Before they entered in the planet atmosphere, Luke had called Ines through the force and feeling they were arriving, she went to the Senate Hospital and the group of doctors were already in the hangar, ready to take Idda to the Hospital.


For the past days Ines had being busy. After talked to Luke and Han, she had to informed not only the students, but went to find Leia and informed her what had happened. Too. But the worst part was went to Idda's parents home and tell them that their daughter were badly injured and her life were at risks She knew the pain those parents were feeling at that moment and she knew Luke felt the same. They were parents of 3 kids, who being their children were a target for the Empire followers. After all Ben was almost kidnapped by Shira and their Alli was almost killed months ago. That was why she knew Luke would do anything to safe Idda and any of their students.

Right now she was in the hangar, as she sighed in relieve when the Falcon landed. Once the ramp went down, she saw Luke and right behind him, floating was Idda's unconscious body. She had an oxygen mask and she was all bloody. The moment they saw them, the group of doctors, ran towards them with a stretcher and laying the Togruta female on it, they went right away towards the Senate Hospital, where her parents were already there waiting.

Reaching him, Ines hugged her husband and they stood there, in silence, in each other arms. She knew Luke needed her, now more than ever.

Pulling apart she stroked his face

"How are you?"

"I'm okay but I will be really okay once I have news of her," he said.

The other girls stood there watching their colleague leave and Ines smile at them and pulled each one of them into a hug.

"Don't worry. She is now getting the properly treatment. She is strong. She will be fine," she told them.

"I hope so," Ieneh said.

"Go to the Temple, have a shower. They are all waiting for you."

Nodding the girls left.

"Hey kid," Han said as he left the Falcon with Chewie. Smiling at her brother in law, she hugged him and then hugged Chewie.

"Hey you two. How are you?"

"Fine in a way. Where is Leia and the kids?"

"Leia is at home with the kids. Gracy is there too with our kids," she told Luke who she knew was worried about them. "So they are all fine."

"We are going home. I need them right now after everything what happened. Will you two come?" Han asked them

Luke looked at him.

"I need to go to the Hospital." he answered them making Ines looked at Han.

"Luke you need to change clothes, eat something and be with your kids cause I'm sure they miss their father. Then you will go to the hospital," he told him.

"Han is right babe. Besides right now, there is nothing you can do." she told him.

"I know but I need it to go."

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