Chapter 138 - Leaving A Message

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2 days had passed since Luke and Ines had brought Alli from the Senate Hospital. Just like Han and Dan had told them, when the Senate knew they were home and the baby was fully recovered, they questioned them about the night their baby daughter was taken.

Right now they were in the Senate, since they were watching the trial that the woman was about to have. Sitting in one of the type of balconies that were there, they looked at the center of the room where Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar were.

Leia came from behind them with Gracy and sat next to them

"What are you doing here?" Ines asked her sister in law.

"Not only I'm a Senator but I wanted to see this trial. I wouldn't miss this for nothing, after all that woman took our niece." she replied looking at them. "I see that they allowed you to assist it"

"Of course. After all she took our daughter, we had to watch this. I want to see what that woman has to say," Ines replied to her

"Where are the kids?" Gracy asked them

"Aurea is taking care of them alongside with Chewie, 3PO and R2," Luke told her.

The Senators around them were talking towards each other, but the moment Mon Mothma raise her hands they were in silence.

"Good Day to all of you. You are gathered here, because we are about to have a trial." she said and looking to her left, she nod to the guard and a few minutes later a woman with her wrists tight in some binders entered.

The moment she entered in the room, Ines got tensed. Luke sensed that and wrapped his right arms around her shoulders. He too felt tensed, since it was the first time they were seeing her after that night.

Looking at the woman in front of them, Admiral Ackbar spoke.

"Please tell us your name."

The woman looked at the Calamari and stay in silence.

"We made you a question!" Mon Mothma told her in a harsh tone. "Tell us your name."

Licking her lips and looking at the Senator she spoke with a grin on her face.

"I don't answer to the Republic. I don't answer to murderers."

Ines looked at her husband and to her sisters in laws.

"She's got to be kidding," she said shaking her head

"The bad guys will never see them as the bad guys," Leia replied.

Mon Mothma looked at Ackbar and then back to her.

"Very well. We have your information anyway," she said and looking at her small monitor and started to read it. "It says here the moment you arrived that your name is Willow Tyreing. That you have 30 years old and you are natural from Dathomir. It also said you came from Ord Cantrell, which is very close to the Imperial Remnant. Which by your last replied we don't need to ask you to whom you are loyal."

"You know why are you being here, right?" Ackbar told her

"Why don't you tell me," she smirked.

"You are accused for kidnapping and attentive of murder for a 7 weeks old baby." he told her. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"Yes. I feel bad that I fail my mission."

"So you don't feel sorry whatsoever for almost kill a baby," Mon Mothma asked.

Looking at her and looking around, she smirked when her eyes set on the spot where Luke and Ines were.

"No, I don't. After all they have another one exactly the same."

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