Chapter 161 - An Attack

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Weeks had passed since the emergency meeting in the Senate. Since the latest events the New Republic had decided to reinforce their bases across the galaxy, and because of that there were reports almost every day from those bases. So far everything was calm hut for how long?

Ines was in the Jedi Temple watching Yana and Idda battle each other.

"Remember you are a team, trust each other but also trust your instincts. Let the force flow through you," she spoke.

Idda attacked Yana but she block above her head a strike from Idda's lightsaber, making orange and blue clash. The now 16 and 14 years old were becoming great fighters. With a twirl of her own, Yana wave her lightsaber behind her back blocking another attack from Idda, and with a quick move she disarmed the Togruta student and point both lightsabers towards her.

Ines smiled.

"Very good. Both of you," she said as Yana handle Idda's lightsaber to its owner. "You really are becoming great Jedi. Soon you will have that honor. Probably sooner than you think." she said making the students smile. Looking at her datapad she looked at them "I see your scores on the virtual room are improving, which I believe you are ready for start using level 2."

"Really?" Qoli said

"Yes. Your scores are all above 90, which is very good. Your grades in history class are great too." she said and looking at Ken "And you, in a few months you are ready to have your own lightsaber."

Ken smiled. He was eager to have his own lightsaber and started to trained.

"Okay, now used a little the zapping droids for the next 30 minutes and then you are dismiss for today."

"Already? But it is only 1600 hours. We still have an hour of class," Eqol said.

"I know but today we will ended the training 30 minutes earlier. I need to check on Master Luke."

"Is he feeling better? We miss him," Ieneh spoke.

"Thanks a lot on my behalf," Ines spoke crossing her arms in front of her chest, but she had a smile on her face.

"We like you too Master Ines," Alena said smiling. "But we also miss Master Luke."

"I know. And I'm glad you miss him. He will be very happy to know"

"When he will come back?" Luna asked

"Next week he will be here fully recovered," she answered. "Now get back to your exercises. Yana can you supervise them and in 30 minutes end the class for me?"

"Of course Master Ines."

"Thank you," she said and looking to her students. "Have a nice weekend all of you."

"Thanks Master Ines," they all said in unison.

Smiling, Ines left the training room and head inside, where Aurea was with the twins, who at almost 6 months, were on their bouncing chairs, playing with he hanging toys above them, babbling. When she saw them she couldn't help but smile.

"Hello my sweet girls," she said walking towards them and kiss each one of them, making the girls smile at their mother, showing her toothless gums so far, even she was sure soon they would start teething, and if they were just like their older brother, tough moments would be ahead. Looking at Aurea she smiled at the old woman. "Did they behave?"

"They are so sweet. They spend the afternoon taking their nap and they just awake half an hour ago and I already change their diapers and now they are busy playing with the toys on their bouncing chairs," she smiled at the two girls. "Did you end for today?"

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