Chapter 58 - The Naberries

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The moment she heard the name of the young man in front of her, Jobal felt dizzy

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The moment she heard the name of the young man in front of her, Jobal felt dizzy. She had being fall down, but Luke caught her in time

"Grandmother" he said.

"Luke, sit her down on the couch" Ines told him and looked to the servant "Can you bring a glass of water with sugar, please?"

"Right away" and she left towards the kitchen, while Luke sat Jobal on the couch nearby.

"I'm okay" she said looking to Luke with tears in her eyes and touched his face looking at him. "I knew the first time I heard your name back to the time of the destruction of the first Death Star, that you were my Padmé son. Especially when I heard your first name. She always said if she had a boy she would name him Luke and if it was a girl was Leia"

Ines looked at Luke when the servant came from the kitchen with a glass on her hand.

"Ma'am here, drink it"

Jobal grabbed it and drank the water. She looked at Ines

"My sweet girl, sit down. I bet your poor back and legs are begging for it"

"Actually" Ines smiled and she sat down next to Jobal, being help by Luke who smiled at her and gave a small rub on her belly, making Jobal smile at the scene.

"May I" she asked Ines, looking at her belly

"Sure" she nod and Jobal rested her hand on her belly.

"Your belly is lower, it means the baby already dropped" she said making Ines nod

"Actually he did drop."

"He? My great grandson" Jobal smiled looking at Luke and then to Ines "Your belly is already hard. I think this baby will come out in 1 or 2 days max"

Ines and Luke looked at each other.

Jobal looked at them

"Do you want to eat something or drink?"

"We came here just to see you and grandfather. We are going to Varykino in a few hours" Luke informed her

"Your mother loved that place." she said, but then looking at him she smiled "You are so handsome. You have your father's hair and eyes"

Luke smiled at that.

"Where is my grandfather?" Luke asked her

"Oh, he left a while ago but he is back home in no time" as she finished her sentence, a man around also 80 years old, with white hair and blue eyes entered

"Jobal, honey I'm home" he said when he saw his wife with a young couple and a droid. "Oh I didn't know you had visits"

"Ruwee, honey, let me introduce to you to..." she looked at Ines "Oh dear I didn't even ask your name"

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