Chapter 18 - Meant to be together

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The first moment the Falcon left the asteroid field, everything started all over again

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The first moment the Falcon left the asteroid field, everything started all over again. The Empire started to follow them, with a Star Destroyer continuing to shot at them. Inside the cockpit 3PO was relief of that.

"Thank goodness we're coming out of the asteroid field" he said as the ship shook.

Ines looked at him not knowing if she would agree or not. As the Falcon continue to be hit, Han spoke

"Let's get out of here. Ready for light speed?" He asked to Chewie. Chewie growled as Han started the countdown "One, two, three!" and pulled the level, but nothing happened.

Ines sighed.

"Here we go again" she said

"It is not fair" he said looking at her and Leia while Chewie growled clearly pissed of at the situation. "Transfer circuits aren't working. It's not my fault"

"No light speed?" Leia asked him

"I thought you fix that" Ines told him

"It's not my fault" He kept saying to them

"You better think of something or we will be caught in no time" Ines remind him and the ship continue to being hit.

"Sir, we just lost the main rear deflector shield. One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for" 3PO informed them.

"Well, what now" Ines asked looking at him.

Han raise up and pointing to Chewie

"Turn her around" he told him making Chewie growled "Turn her around! I'm gonna put all power in the front shield"

"You're gonna attack them?" Leia asked not believing what she was hearing.

"But Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an imperial Star Destroyer..." 3PO started making Leia and Ines looked at each other and both said at the same time

"Shut up!"

The Falcon continue to being hit at the same time it turned, facing the huge Star Destroyer.

"I really hope you know what you are doing Han" Ines told him.

"Have a little faith, kid" Han said and he flew in the direction of Star Destroyer and "disappear" out of its radars.


Back in Dagobah:

Luke continued his training with Master Yoda. At this very moment he was upside down, with Yoda standing on top of his feet.

"Yes! Use the Force" he kept telling him. "Now the stone" he told him, making Luke levitate one stone and put it on top of the other. "Feel it" he kept telling him.

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