Chapter 35 - A question from the sky

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The Death Star shocked for the first time

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The Death Star shocked for the first time. Smoke was everywhere, substantial rumblings came from all directions at once, people were running and shouting. The emperor was dead. The central powerful evil that had been the cohesive force of the empire was gone, so in that Death Star there was only confusion, desperation e damp fear.

In the midst of this, Luke and Ines had made it, somehow to the main docking bay, while they were trying to carry the hulking dead weight of Luke's father weakening body toward an Imperial shuttle. But halfway, Luke's strength gave out and he collapsed. Dragging his father by the arms, they were able to reach the ramp of the shuttle.

They rested Vader on the ground.

Vader mentioned Luke closer to him

"Luke, help me take this mask off"

Luke shook his head

"But, you'll die"

"Nothing can stop that now. Just for once let me look on you with my own eyes"

Luke nod. Ines grabbed his shoulder, showing she was there for him. Together they lifted the heavy helmet from Vader's head, and then they pulled the mask off reveling a face of a bad burn old man who smiled at them.

Ines smiled back. She stood there only to see the face of the grandfather of her child, but she knew that moment belonged to Luke and his father.

"I will leave you two alone" she said kissing Luke's cheek and nod to Anakin before standing up and walked up the ramp.

"Great girl you have here. Your love gives you strength. You two were meant to be together. You will be great parents and raise my grandchildren the right way"

Luke smiled at that.

"Now go, my son. Leave me"

"No. You're coming with us. I'll not leave you here. I've got to save you" he told him

"You already have, Luke" He whispered "You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister... you were right"

With that, he closed his eyes and Anakin Skywalker died.

"Father, I won't leave you" Luke said, bowing his head while the tears rolled down his cheeks.

A tremendous explosion shook the place, making Luke raise up and dragging his father corpse inside the shuttle, the ramp closed behind him.

Ines was inside the cockpit, already warm up the shuttle. Once Luke entered, she looked at him and saw the tears. She knew what happened, she felt his pain and she pulled him into her arms in a tight hug.

Luke hugged her tightly and rest his face on Ines shoulder. He lost so much the past 4 years. He lost his uncle and aunt, Ben, Biggs, Master Yoda, and now his father. But also he gained a lot too. He gained a great friendship with Han and Chewie, a twin sister in Leia and he gained Ines, the woman he loved and together they already were starting a family. Yes, he would be a father pretty soon, and he would love his child and his future siblings alongside with their mother, forever.

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