Chapter 105 - Kijo Training

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2 weeks later in Varykino:

Luke was watching his students in front of him. They were in Varykino for 2 weeks now, and when he had time he trained his students. Today he decided to gather them, after lunch under the sun of Naboo. It was a hot day, either way nothing comparing with the duo suns from his home planet, but it was fine.

Ines was watching them, under the shadow of a tree. Being 20 weeks pregnant already, her belly was quite big, comparing when she was expecting Ben. Speaking of which, their little guy was in no mood for a nap that afternoon, so they decided to let him play, in the grass under the tree, with his toys, being watched by 3PO, R2 and Iris, who wanted to watch her uncle training her friends, something she never saw before and now she had the chance to see it.

The students were looking at Luke, some of them using their hands above their eyes, since the sun didn't allow to see him properly.

"Master Luke, why can't we get under the shadows? The sun is a little hot today." Yana said

Alena and Ieneh looked at each other and giggle

"Hot? You clearly never were in Tatooine." Ieneh looked at her older friend

"Yeah. Than you would know what hot means." Alena followed her and looking at Luke she smiled. "Right Master Luke?"

Luke smirked but they were right

"Actually yes Alena. You and Ieneh are right. This is nothing"

Ines giggled. She had being in Tatooine before and this hot sun was nothing, but being 5 months pregnant, even Hoth seemed hot for her at this time.

"What are we doing here at this time of the day?" Idda asked him

"Well, we are here for 2 weeks now, and we will be here for another month. So I decided that after the wedding of my sister, you are all ready to built your lightsabers"

The students looked at each other and gasped when they heard that. They were eager to hear that. Since they begun training with him and Ines, they wondered when they were ready to have their lightsabers. If Master Luke decided it was time, that meant they were ready and doing great in the training to have their own lightsabers and finally use the training room they were eager to use it.

Seeing how excited they were, Luke raised his hands and they all stayed quiet.

"Until then, I have to say I'm very proud of you. Since you became my students, almost 7 months ago, you being great and evolve very quickly. So today I decided that we will have a little game, so to speak."

They all looked at each other frowning

"Game?" Luna said it

"Fighting game." Ines said from her bench, and standing up slowly, with the help of Luke, who came to her and grabbing her arm, he helped to get her up smiling, making Ines look at him. "Thank you my love"

Luke nod and kissed her forehead, making the female students looked at them with an awww look on their faces

"I hope I can find a true love like you and Master Ines someday." Nelah said making Luke and Ines look at her smiling

"I'm sure you will sweetheart." Ines told her. "But back to the subject: the reason why Master Luke and I decided to gather all of you is because there will times that you will fight in extreme conditions: pouring rain, freezing temperatures, extreme heat. So you need to be prepare for that"

They all looked at each other

"When I was younger than you, my father used to take me during the hottest days of Alderaan and trained me this technique called Kijo. Sometimes the fights will not always going go happen in a cool breeze. Your body needed to be tested until the limits, so you can trust your abilities but also trust the force and be guide by it."

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