Chapter 177 - Finally in prison

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A few days had passed after Luke and Ines came from the Great Western Sea, where they enjoyed a couple days alone and where they found the former Kuat Senator Giddean Danu.


It was a nice afternoon in Coruscant. After the training ended back in the Temple, Ines and Luke went home right away, for a nice shower and a relax day with their kids and R2.

Right now Luke was taking a shower, while Ines was in the kitchen, doing home made veggie burgers for them and Ben, while the soup for the twins was already on the oven.

Ben was in the living room, drawing. Lately he loved drawing R2, 3PO, his father X-Wing and even Luke with his green lightsaber, while Padmé and Alli were crawling around. The babies started to crawl a few days ago and now they wouldn't stop.

The events of last week was a nightmare with the new virus, then the duel between Luke and his clone, and with the fact she had to kill the clone and that was a little to hard for her. Gladly, she had an old friend that put some sense in her and she enjoyed those two days with Luke.

Mon Mothma was still in the hospital, but she was recovering very well and according to Leia, who visit her a lot in the hospital, in a few days she could get back home where she would recover for a while.

Putting the burgers in the oven, she looked at her kids and saw Padmé sitting on the kitchen floor, sucking on her teething toy.

"Where is your twin?" she asked to the 8 ½ month baby who looked at her mother with her light blue eyes.

At that moment, Alli was crawling towards her parents bedroom, smiling with the new thing she learn how to do. It was fun to move around. Entering in the room she sat and look around.

Babbling she resume to crawling again, towards one of the desk that Luke and Ines had in there. In that desk, they kept some things back at the time they were part of the rebellion. One of the things was Luke's medal he got, along with Han and Chewie the next day he blew up the first Death Star. The medal was hanging in there, and it was something she always like it cause it was shiny and she loved shiny things.

She loved touching her ears when two months ago, Luke and Ines went to the specialist to pierce her and Padme ears. The little girl spend all day touching her ears.

Sitting on the floor, she looked up to the medal. Raising her little arms as she tried to reach for it, but of course it was very out of reach. Frowning in frustration, the baby grabbed the chair next to her and with it, it helped herself to stand up for the first time of her short life, making her all proud.

Looking at the medal, she frown since she wanted that medal.

As she looked at it, she raised her right hand, holding herself tightly on her left arm on the chair. Then the medal started to move slowly and then out of nowhere, it got out where it was and fell on the floor next to her.

Looking down, the baby babble and falling on her butt, she squealed and clap her little hands all happy with herself. Then she grabbed it and smiling she put it in her mouth drooling all over it.

Ines came running into the bedroom.

"Alli, sweetheart!" she said and stopped when she saw her little girl, sitting on the floor, looking at her with her father's medal in her mouth.

Ines looked at her and back where the medal was. She was sure that medal was out of reach.

"Luke! Luke!"

Luke came out of the bathroom, with a towel around his waist and his blond hair dripping wet.


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