Chapter 154 - Danger

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It was the last day of the year and also the wedding day of Sandy. Since Ines saw her on Dex Diner months ago, that they barely saw her. But both of them got an invitation from them with the date, place and hour of the ceremony. Even Dan and Gracy got an invitation too, apparently Sandy wanted to gather everyone from their home planet that she knew as a memory of old times.

Right now they were all gathered in Leia and Han's apartment, where Aurea was there alongside with Chewie.

"Thank you so much for helping Chewie taking care of the kids" Leia told her smiling as she hold Anakin on her chest.

"Hey, you know I love these kids like they were my own grandchildren" she said holding a 6 weeks old Bail, who was sleeping peaceful on her arms. "Besides I have the help of these two, right?" she asked to Ken and Iris

"Yes Aurea," Ken said while he was crouching on the floor, playing with Ben, who already were in his favorite pajama.

"I wish I could go with you," Iris said looking at her parents.

"Well this time it is only for us sweetie. And trust me, I wish I could stay," Han said winking at her making the girl smile at her father.

"We will be home sooner than you think. We only attend the ceremony and stay for a while in the reception. We want to spend the end of the year with you," Ines replied as she caring Alli. "Besides at midnight these two will turn 5 months already." she smile at her daughter, who was focus on her mother's earrings "I know they are shiny. Soon you will have your ears pierced and can wear ones too."

"When will you do that?" Gracy asked her

"Ines and I were thinking when they reach 6 months. Maybe before Ben's 2nd birthday, so they could look all pretty that day" he replied smiling at Padmé in his arms. The little girl was sitting on her father's lap and she was focus on his and Ines's lightsabers. "No, this is not a toy." he told her, raising on her little feet on top of his legs, making the little girl rest her little hands on his cheeks, making him smile. "That's right, when you get older you can built one"

"I can't wait for that," Ken said smiling.

"Well you are doing great, so soon you will have yours" Luke smiled at his nephew.

"I think we better go. It is almost time for the ceremony," Dan warned looking at the clock.

Nodding Luke and Ines put their twins on their little pillows on the floor and pulling their son, they kissed his little cheeks, making the little boy smile, but when they pull apart they couldn't help but laugh when he clean his face.

"Thanks a lot," Ines smiled at that.

Leia kissed Anakin and putting him on his crib, while Han kissed Bail on Aurea's arms.

"See you in a few hours my sweet boy," he said smiling at his baby. Pulling Iris he picked his daughter. "Take care of these kids and obey Aurea."

"I will," she said and they say goodbye to her and Dan and Gracy hugged their son.

"Be a good boy," Gracy said kissing her son

"I will mother."

And with a goodbye they left to the Great Western Sea for the wedding.


Great Western Sea:

The moment they arrived at the Great Western Sea, Gracy was speechless by the place.

"Oh my, I never thought this was so beautiful and that Coruscant had an ocean?" she said as they left the transportation ship and were heading to where the ceremony would happen.

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