Chapter 174 - The Duel

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Luke was walking around in his living room, waiting for news from Leia who was at the Senate Hospital checking on Mon Mothma condition.

Right after his brother and sister in law, came into the Temple warning them what had happened to Mothma, they went to their apartment waiting for what was happening.

He looked outside through the glass walls. The sun was setting and he could watch the Temple from there. He hoped that Mon Mothma didn't had what they thought, because if she did, then someone from the upper levels did this for sure. He heard a noise on his right side, and looking down he smiled, when he saw one of his little girls, bouncing on her hands and knees. For the past weeks, the twins were started to want to crawl.

Looking up at her father, Alli smiled and then babble.

"Da," she said making Luke crouch in front of her and picking her up, he hugged one of his little girls tightly on his arms, kissing her cheek.

"I love you baby girl. I will not allow anything bad happen to you, to your siblings and to your mother."

The little girl, touched his cheeks smiling, making Luke smile at her. Only his kids could put a smile on his face right now. They were indeed the best thing he ever did in almost 26 years of his life.

The door opened and Han entered with Leia. By the look on his sister's face he knew right there the news were not good.

"It is, isn't it?" He asked her, making Leia nod sadly.

"How did this happen?" Gracy asked. She and Dan was all along since they went to the Temple. They both were concerned of course.

"First how is she?" Ines asked approaching Leia with Padmé on her arms.

"When we left they were intubate her." Leia spoke looking at her and then to Luke.

"That means if we don't find a cure she will die in 6 days. Great," Ines said bouncing her daughter on her arms.

"I don't get it. How did she get that virus?" Dan asked the one million credits question.

"She doesn't know and now she can't answer that," Leia informed her.

"If she got infected, that means someone for the upper levels did it." Han said.

"Do you think they found another way?" Gracy asked with a concerned look as she glare at her son.

"I don't think Gracy. Because if that was the case, then more people would be sick and apparently only Mothma is." Ines said. "But why her?" she asked at the end looking at Luke.

"Because she was the target," he said making everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Dan asked not believing what he was saying.

"Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar are the top Senators. She was the test. Which means," he said not completing the sentence but Ines knew what he was thinking.

"If she dies their next target is the Temple. Of course."

Putting Alli on her baby walker, which made the little girl pouted and started to cry, since she wanted to be on her father's arms.

"I'm sorry sweetie but dada needs to go somewhere."

"Where are you going?" Leia asked him.

"To the Temple. I need to warn Aurea to be careful," he replied.

"I'll go with you," Ines said but Luke grabbed her shoulder and face her.

"No. I will not take long. Stay here with them," he said and kissing her, he left towards the Jedi Temple.

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