Chapter 111 - Old Memories Part 2

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The next day continue with a lot of rain. Luke woke up and noticed that it was still raining, meaning they couldn't get outside. Feeling movement he looked at his wife. Ines was fast a sleep in his arms. Since they talked, she had slept all night in his arms, and now she was having a peaceful sleep. Kissing gently her forehead, and trying not to wake her up, he slowly stood up from bed, and head towards the bathroom. After a few minutes, he decided to peak on his baby and niece and smiled noticing that both of them was still asleep, being watched by R2. He also decided to check on his students and was relieve to see they were still asleep as well. Because the day was not good to be outside, he decided that it was the time for them to build their lightsabers and that would happen that afternoon.

Since it was still early, he got back to his bedroom, and lay in bed, pulling Ines closer to him, which made her move but continue to sleep peacefully. Rubbing her belly he smiled when, closing his eyes and probing with the force he felt his daughters hearts beat. He couldn't wait to hold them in his arms again, just like he did with their older brother. Opening his eyes, he remembered the day of the celebration, when he, Han and Chewie got their medals the next day after he blew up the first Death Star.

There was a party after that and that day came into his head:

Yavin, 6 years ago:

Luke was holding a cup in his hand, but his eyes were locked on Ines who was in the dance floor, dancing with one of the pilots, laughing because clearly the guy had two left feet and she was trying to teach him how to dance that Alderaanian music, which apparently was very difficult. Somehow he felt jealous to see her having such a good time with another guy. Shaking his head he tried to take that thought from his head but he couldn't. He was jealous.

"Instead of staring here looking at her, why don't you go and ask her for a dance"

He looked to his left and saw Han and Chewie. He was so focus on Ines that he didn't even notice his friends approaching.

"Because I think she is already having a good time." he said

"Right. Then why she keeps looking at your direction once in a while?"

Luke looked at Ines and they eyes met and she smiled at him, making Luke smile at her too.

"Just stop being a stubborn and go get the girl before someone takes her from you and then it is too late." Han said.

The music stopped and then a slow one started to play. Ines stopped and she looked at the guy in front of her. It was funny when the music was happy, but now, he was not the guy she wanted to dance this type of music, but she didn't want to be rude to him.

The guy started to get closer to her but then someone tap on his shoulder and looking behind the guy, she saw Luke, standing there, with his medal on his neck and his yellow jacket, smiling and her heart started to beat fast.

"May I?" he asked

"Sure." the young man said and walking away, Luke grabbed Ines, wrapping his right arm around her waist and his left one grabbed Ines's right one, and pulled her closer to him, while they looked at each other and started dancing at the sound of music.

"That medal looks good on you." she told him smiling

"Thanks." he replied looking at her amber eyes. There was something about her eyes that looks familiar to him. It looked like he already saw those eyes before.

"What is it?" she asked him

"Your eyes, it seems like I already saw them before"

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