Chapter 131 - Back in Coruscant

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A week had passed and they were ready to leave Varykino and get back to Coruscant. They were sad to leave that beautiful place but they would return. Preparing the ships, Luke and Han decided that the students would be in the Falcon, while his wife family and Aurea would be in his ship.

While Ines was putting their 6 weeks twin girls in their floating cribs, Luke was holding their son in his arms, throw him in the air and making his stop in midair, making the toddler laughed out loud, which made Luke smile. It was something he loved, was hearing his son's laughter. See him happy was everything he ever wanted. Grabbing him, he pulled him into his arms and kissed his forehead.

"Mama and Papa have your baby sisters that may have our attention more often, but we love you too my son. Never doubt of it." he told him making the kid nod and wrapped his little arms around his father's neck.

"Okay they are settle in. We can go."

Ines said attaching the holder on the cribs, turning them into a floating trolley. They left the room and they all say goodbye to the servants with a promise of returning soon, and they all entered in their ships and left Varykino heading to Coruscant.


48 hours the ships were landing in Coruscant Hangar. As they all left, Idda, Kino and Davi parents were already waiting for them. The moment they saw each other they hold their kids tightly.

"Finally I thought you would stay there forever." Idda's father said laughing

"That place is beautiful." she told them

"And we finally have our lightsaber." Kino told all excited it to his parents.

"And we saved Master Ines and we help her to have the babies." Davi said smiling, making the parents looked at Luke and Ines.

"I'm very proud of them." Luke said smiling

"We both are." Ines said

"You had your twins." Davi's mother said and they all approached the floating cribs. "They are so cute."

"And Luna and I helped it too." Davi said looking at Luna who smiled at him.

"I see you have a lot to tell us. How about we get home." Idda's mother told

"Yes. Enjoy your family." Luke said

"Thank you for taking care of them for so long." Kino's father told him.

"It is always a pleasure." Luke smiled.

Ines looked at Aurea.

"What about you? You will stay alone in that Temple for at least 3 weeks, since Luna will be in Leia and Han's home for the next weeks with Iris." Ines told her.

"Oh my dear don't worry. I will get a lot of things to do. I have to see what it is missing, make sure the dormitories are clean and wash the sheets and everything. So I will be busy, don't worry about me."

"Besides we will pay a visit to see what you need and you will not eat there alone all the time." Luke said hugging her.

"Sure. And I will be fine." she smiled and left towards the Temple, while all of them was getting ready to leave the hangar, when Luke saw someone he didn't imagine see it.

"Fixer! Camie!" he called, adjusting his son in his arms.

His friends from Tatooine looked around and when they saw him they wave.

"Luke." Fixer said and walking into his direction the two friends shook hands.

"What are you doing here in Coruscant?" Luke asked surprised to see his friend there.

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