Chapter 74 - Birthday Proposal

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Ines dress

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It was 1800 hours at the time and Luke was in the living room adjusting the belt of the tux, since he decided to bring his and Ines lightsaber, he thank the fact the jacket was big enough to cover them. He was combing his hair. The last time he wore a suit like this was on his wedding day and that day ended not so well.

"You look so handsome my dear" Jobal said to his grandson rocking a still awake Ben, who somehow refuse to sleep.

"Thanks grandmother. I wonder what Ines is planning"

"She didn't tell you anything?" Ruwee said from his seat

"Ines can be very mysterious when she wants. I don't even know the dress she is wearing cause she kick me out of the bedroom" Luke told to his grandfather

"I saw it when she was breastfeeding and my son, she if is already beautiful wearing those suits, you will drop when we see her in the dress she choose." Jobal said looking at her great grandson who was fixing his already starting to show blue eyes, on his father, sucking in his fingers, which made Luke looked at him and smiling he approached him

"I know, your father doesn't look like your father" he told him, smiling when Ben smiled at him showing his toothless gums, making Luke picking him and kiss him. He loved these moments between him and his baby.

The elevator door opened and Han entered with Chewie and 3PO

"Hey kid, look at you. All dashing" Han smiled at him making Luke smirked at him.

"Master Luke, you look like a gentleman today!" 3PO said making Luke laughed. In a way Luke knew what the droid was saying.

"Well thanks for staying here while Ines and I will be away tonight. My grandparents are here watching Ben, but I still want someone like Chewie to protect them."

"No problem. Chewie will watch over this little fella" Han smiled to the baby on Luke arms, who was looking at Chewie. Luke noticed at his son

"You like Uncle Chewie don't you?" Luke smiled kissing the top of his head. Somehow his son loved Chewie and R2, maybe because of the noises they made. "But look at you too? You were talking about me but today you looked very gentleman too" he laughed

"Yeah the things I do for your sister" he said

"Are you nervous about tonight?"

Han took a deep breath.

"I don't know how to do this. Were you nervous when your propose to Ines?"

"Are you serious? I was super nervous. I didn't know if Ines would say yes"

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