Chapter 114 - Convergence

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A few days later the weather in Varykino got a lot better. Now the sun was shinning and it was hot enough for take the kids to the lake so they could have some fun.

Right now, Ines was sitting by the lake with her feet inside the water, smiling at Luke, who was in it, with the water until his waist and he had their baby Ben on his arms, who was having the time of his life. Their boy loved the water since he was a baby and now he was laughing and pointing at it he looked at his father

"Wa" he said

"I know. Is the water." he said lower himself down so Ben could touched it making the baby slap his hands on it.

"Yay." Ines said clapping her hands making Ben giggled and clap his little hands.

"He really loves the water." Aurea said sitting next to her, smiling at Ben and Luke, who was just came from underwater with his son.

"Very good baby. You already know how to hold your breath underwater." Ines smiled happily and then looked at Aurea. "We are teaching him how to swim. Being from Alderaan, I born around the water and since we were little we played near the lakes. When I met Luke he didn't know how to swim, being from a desert planet but I taught him and now he is a good swimmer."

"Not as good as you but at least I don't sink." he laughed and looked at Ben who was smiling at him. "Once more baby?"

Ben nod right away

"Okay." and taking a deep breath he was happy when his son did the same and they got underwater and few seconds later came up, smiling when he breath out. Taking his wet hair from his eyes, he kissed his cheeks.

The students were also having fun. Ieneh didn't know how to swim but the kids were teaching her and now she was getting better.

"Very good Ieneh." Luke smiled sitting next to Ines and wrapped a towel around Ben and himself, smiling when his son snuggled on his father's chest, enjoying the warm of the towel. He remembered the day that he was conceived, it was the time he return from Tatooine, 7 weeks before they rescue Han from Carbonite.


Inside the Rebel Cruiser, 7 weeks before rescue Han:

Luke was approaching the Rebel Cruise in his X-Wing

"This is Red 5 requesting permission to land." he inform

"Red 5 permission to land" he heard.

"Copy that."

The X-Wing entered inside the hangar of the Rebel Cruiser. He has being in Tatooine for the past weeks because he needed to build his new lightsaber and for that he needed to be in Ben's hut, where using old journals from his old master, he was able to build it and he took time to train a little bit too, but he needed to return back to the Rebel Base. Not only because there was still no news from Lando and Chewie about where was Boba Fett with Han, who was still frozen in Carbonite. But also he couldn't wait to be with Ines. Since they got from Bespin, their relationship grew up in a very serious one, to the point that he was thinking of asking her hand in marriage when this was over, which he felt was pretty soon. He was deeply in love with her, something that he never thought he could feel such a love for someone, maybe only pass when he will become a father, which was something he wish deeply inside. He couldn't wait to start a family with Ines. The thoughts of Master Yoda that soon they would conceived their first son and the fact the vision of them with their newborn son kept running inside his head, made that wish even stronger.

The X-Wing landed inside the hangar and while R2 was getting out of the ship, Luke just get out inside the cockpit in his pilot suit.


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