Chapter 159 - Emergency meeting

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The Senate was filled with all the senators in their places, talking with each other. An hour ago Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had called them for an emergency meeting. Normally when that happened, it meant not good news. They had them when the second battle of Endor happened, a month after the one on the day the Empire fall and the Emperor and Darth Vader died, the battle on Bodi system, when the Skywalker kid was almost kidnapped and that Shira person was killed, when Ines Skywalker had her trial and when the Imperial woman Willow had also her trial. And now this. They knew it was serious when Leia was there too. She was still in Maternity License, but somehow she was there for that meeting.

Ines and Luke were there watching from the same spot they watched after Shira's death. A few hours ago he had a meeting with Mon Mothma and Ackbar alongside with Leia, Han and Ines about what happened, even what happened in Kamino and what he found out. After that, they decided it was for the best to call that meeting because they need to informed every system about what could be happen in the future.

Han looked down at the Senate.

"How is everything? Did I arrive in time? I had to check Iris and the twins."

"Is Aurea with them?" Ines asked him

"That woman it is a life safer. She loves the kids." Han nod "Gracy is with yours?"

"Yes, she is. But the twins were about to take their afternoon nap, so they probably don't wake up until we arrive. Ben on the other hand, it is another story. He is spending to much time with you" Ines laughed at Han who rolled his eyes.

The senate turned silence and they all looked at it.

"It will start" Luke said wrapping his left arm around Ines shoulders.

Mon Mothma stood up and looked at the different Senators staring at her.

"Dear Senators, I'm sorry if I had to call you in such a hurry, but the news that Admiral and I got hours ago, it demanded this meeting as soon as possible"

"Senator, what happened?" The Senator from Hosnian Systems asked "It is about the Empire and its followers. Since the news about Nevarro being occupied by them, that things are going down hill"

"Please Senators, let me informed you. A few hours ago I, along with Admiral Ackbar had a meeting with the Skywalkers, and Senator Solo and her husband General Solo and the news we received from them are quite disturbing. We got the information that Moff Gideon, the one that so far is the head of the new Empire, is now able to cloning people."

All Senators started to talked towards each other.

"Well this is it." Han said making Luke and Ines looked at him and Chewie growled

"I'm sorry Senator did you say cloning?" Senator Roddy from Ithor.

"Calm down Senators," Ackbar said and everyone stayed quiet.

"Thank you Admiral," Mon Mothma looked at him and then to Senator Roddy. "Yes Senator. We found out that Gideon was indeed able to clone Master Skywalker from the hand he lost back in Bespin when he faced Darth Vader."

"Wait are you telling there is another Luke Skywalker out there? And powerful too," The Senator from Naboo said with wide eyes.

"That's right. It was him who actually poisoned the sweets that almost killed young Iris Solo." Mon Mothma replied. "We also know he asked the help of two doctors from Kamino to helped him. We believe that it was with the help of one of these doctors that they were able help to create this clone."

"Master Skywalker was able to get information about at least one of the doctors who is helping this Gideon when he went to Kamino months ago. It is an advantage," Ackbar spoke

"How do we know that it is clone and not the real Skywalker himself doing this stuff and then pulling that excuse of a clone of him hanging around the galaxy," Senate Goff spoke, making Ines looked at him.

"Is he serious?" she said looked at Luke. Her blood was boiling with that.

"Senator Goff, are you suggesting that Master Skywalker had poisoned those cookies, knowing that his niece but also his own son could have eat it and risk to killing him?" Leia asked making the Senator sit down and stay in silence "I figured it you wouldn't"

"What we can do about it? If the Empire can make clones, they can clone the Emperor himself!" another senator spoke what everyone was fearing.

"We don't know that, that is why we need to have our eyes open. I advice to increase the security in any of your systems. So far there is only we can do. This meeting is dismiss," she spoke and everyone started to leave their places.

The moment Goff left his place, Ines went towards his direction, before Luke and Han could stop her.

"Hey" she called making the old Senator turn around and looked at her.

"Excuse me."

"Who the hell do you think you are to trying to accuse my husband not only of lying but even thinking of hurt our nephews and our kids?"

"I was only asking something that was fair enough to ask," he said with a smile

"I know who you are Senator Goff. You may fool the Senate but you never fooled me with that lame excuse that the Empire had threatening you to work with them. If you think I don't have my eyes on you, you are mistaken. I can smell your stench of Imperial follower miles away," Ines said to him.

"You always had that big mouth of yours since you were little. Things never change. And you my dear never changed. No matter what, you were always the servants daughter and you were lucky that I didn't have the chance to married one of my sons with Princess Leia. He would put you in your family in place."

"I would loved to see him trying."

"You better watch your mouth young lady," Goff looked at her

"Or what Senator? Are you threatening my wife?" Luke asked approaching them, making Goff body stiff and straight up right away.

"You will always be a Talia," he said.

"And I'm proud of it. At least my family is honest and not sold them for the Empire for a few credits like yours did," Ines replied making Goff walked towards her but Chewie growled angrily at him making the Senator step back in fear. Ines smiled at the Wookiee. "It is okay Chewie, I would love to see him trying to hit me. Like I'm afraid of him. Never was when I was little, it is not now I will be."

"And her last name is Skywalker now. So I advice you to step back Senator," Luke said standing between him and Ines. "If you ever get near my wife or any of my children, you will know the power of the force."

Looking at him he smirked and turning away he left.

"Asshole," Ines said. "I'm sure he is telling everything that happened here in the meeting to his Imperial friends. Mark my word."

"But you need to watch out too babe," Luke said. "Talking like that to a Senator, he could have say you were threatening him or something."

"Come on, we have witnesses here. There was nothing he could say. That man was always an asshole and he didn't change."

"I agree but don't make him more upset," Han told his friend.

"I don't want understand how the Senate allow this man to be a Senator when he was and still is an Empire follower. He and his whole family"

"Because it a way to watch him closer," Mothma spoke behind them, making them turn

Ines sighed and looked at her.

"I'm sorry Senator, it is just I don't stand that man."

"I understand Ines," she smiled at her.

"So what now?" Luke asked her.

"We reinforce every system, now more than ever. If we got some information we will inform to you Master Skywalker."

"Thank you. I'm the one who needs to face him," Luke said wrapping his arms around Ines, who looked at him and then rest her head under his chin. She want that mess to over pretty soon.

The Senate had an emergency meeting and the systems are now in all alert. What did you think of Senator Goff? And the confrontation between him and Ines?

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