Chapter 12 - Recovering

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Ines ran to the main entrance the first moment an officer came to informed her, that they had found Luke and Han. She didn't even bother to caught up her hair, leaving it lose.

She reached the entrance, as the craft enter the base. Running at them when it landed, she gasped when the pilot and Han removed an injured and still unconscious Luke.

"Luke" she called as she grabbed his face between her hands "Can you hear me?" Looking at Han "What happened?"

"I found him like this"

"Hurry we need to take to the medical care and get him inside a Bacta Tank" she ordered

"Yes ma'am" the officers said nodding and took Luke to the medical care.

Once inside they removed his clothes and put him inside the Bacta Tank where he would be heal pretty sooner.


Ines was resting her back against the wall. Her eyes didn't leave Luke for one second. He was inside the tank for a while, still didn't waking up. The door opened and Han and Leia came inside.

"How is he?" Leia asked her

"Still healing" she replied and looking at Han she gave him a hug "Thank you"

Han smiled to her.

"You don't need to thank me. He is my friend too"

They looked at the tank just in time to see Luke opening his eyes and raising up to get out of the tank.

"I will go meet him into the other room" Ines informed and Leia and Han nod, they knew they needed to be alone for a while.


Luke was resting inside the room of the medical care. In fact the bacta tank helped a lot. He was feeling much better now.

The door opened and Ines entered. She was wearing a warm gray outfit and her hair was lose. He loved seeing her with her hair like this. It had grown a little, reaching her waist now.

 It had grown a little, reaching her waist now

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She sat on the bed facing him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like new" he smiled

She looked at his face and touching it gently, she spoke

"The scars barely are noticeable right now. They will disappear in no time and you will not get any marks" she smiled at him. Then she got serious "We were super worried. You scared us for a moment Luke"

Luke sat straight, getting closer to her

"I know you were the one who told Han"

"Yes. Somehow I knew something bad had happened to you."

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