Chapter 144 - Still Alive

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Luke entered inside the kitchen and smile when he heard Padmé babbling. The moment he entered Aurea looked at him and smile

"Hey, look who arrived from his long trip," she looked at Padmé, who looked towards his father, the moment she heard his voice.

Reaching her, he smiled when his baby girl smiled back

"Hello baby girl," he said and picking her from Aurea's arms, he rest her on his chest and rubbed her back "I missed you. All of you."

"They missed you too trust me," Aurea said. "Did you eat anything? It is almost lunch time."

"Actually I was about to ask what was for lunch," he laughed

"Well you arrived just in time," she told as the kids started to entered ready for lunch, and sitting with them, they all started to eat, while Luke listened what his students had done for the past days, smiling and thinking how much he missed them.


After lunch time, they all had a time to relax before returning to their exercises, while he, Ines and Aurea continue in the kitchen, talking about Luke's trip.

"How is Kamino?" Ines asked, watching Ben who was sitting between them on his meal chair, eating pieces of a small apple, while she was breastfeeding Alli, who was happy to suck on her mother's right breast having her little stomach full with her mother's delicious milk, while Luke was feeding Padmé with the bottle of Ines's milk that she pumped every day and put in small bottles that she put in the freezer.

"A very strange place. The whole city stays above the ocean, but the technology is above everything I ever saw."

"How are the Kaminoans?" Ines asked smiling at her son who handle one of his apple pieces towards her "Thank you my little love" she said eating the piece of apple he gave her, and then did the same towards his father, who ate it as well, leaving him all happy that they accepted his apple pieces. She could see he was very happy to have Luke there with them.

Luke smile at his son and then looked back at her

"They are strange beings. They are tall and the way they walk are so delicate that it looked like they are floating while they walk. They have light skin and speak in such polite tone towards you." he replied to her

"But they tried to kill you by poisoned your food," Aurea told him.

"I know but I didn't sense any darkness in them. Their only ally is the money. They don't care where it comes from, only that it is well payed. That is why they did what they did to my food. I heard the Prime Minister saying that was not their way to act but since this Gideon guy payed them well, they did what he asked them. I know if anyone from the Republic would give them money and pay them well, they would serve the Republic as well."

"My father always said that they were the best in cloning," Ines spoke remembering the conversations her parents had with each other.

"They are and that is why I need to talk to Leia as soon as possible." he told her. "By the way how is my twin sister?"

Ines tried to hold a laughed while she looked at Aurea.

"Being 30 weeks pregnant her mood swings are getting stronger." Aurea said giggling

"The other day Han came into our apartment because Leia kicked him out their home," Ines informed him.

"Why? What happened?"

"According to him, he didn't do anything. Only kissed her a little to deeper than normal and she thought she wanted to have sex which she wasn't in the mood and didn't want due to the size of the belly right now."

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