Chapter 178 - A weird proposition

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Months had passed. They reached the first day of the 7th month, and Luke and Ines decided to take the kids to Tatooine first, for 2 weeks, before going back to Varykino and meet the rest of the family.

The students already left 2 weeks ago to be with their families and going to Tatooine, they could see Alena and Ieneh.

They decided to go visit Fixer and Camie first, since they were now in Mos Eisley, but they would spend the 2 weeks in Luke's old moister farm. Since they visit for the first time 2 and ½ years ago, just right after Ben was born, and seeing how damage it was, Luke decided to hire someone to clean his farm cause it pained him to see the state it was when he was there. Maybe someone needed a place to stay for a few days, and he could rent that place, after all, after the death of his uncle and aunt, that farm was his.

The ship landing in one of the many docks of Mos Eisley. Walking down the ramp, they saw a woman, yelling at some pit droids, hit them on photorecepter making one of them compress himself into a compact, box-shaped package, which made Ben let go Ines hand and ran towards the droid, being followed by R2 right away.

"Sweetie don't touch it," Ines said, adjusting the 11 months old Padmé on her arms, while Luke had Alli.

"Sorry about that. He loves droids," Luke said.

"It is okay. Children right?" she said. "I'm Peli Motto."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Luke and this is my wife Ines."

"Hello," Peli said nodding towards Ines while cleaning her hand.

"Hi. Nice to meet you," she said.

"And who are these little cuties," Peli asked smiling at Alli that was looking at the lady, while sucking her pacifier.

"This is Alli and that is Padmé and that little laughing boy is Ben," Luke said smiling at his son who was laughing at a R5 unit that was beeping while R2 beeped back.

Ben came running and looked at him.

"Papa, that Atoo know you."

Luke frown at that.

"What?" he said and looked back to the droid who came towards them alongside R2. He saw that droid before and it couldn't be.

"I'm sorry but how long do you have this droid?" he asked her.

"For a while. When I found him he was not working," Peli replied.

"Let me guess he had a bad motivator," Luke smiled seeing the expression on Peli's face.

"How did you know that?"

Ines looked at the droid and understood right away why Luke asked that.

"Babe is this the Red droid that your uncle bought instead of R2?"

Luke nod at her smiling.

Looking at the droid she smiled.

"Thank you. Without knowing, you in a way saved the galaxy by having a bad motivator," she said to the droid who beeped at her, making R2 beeped right away.

"Save the galaxy?" Peli asked.

"This droid was bought by my uncle 7 years ago, from the Jawas, to help us in our moister farm."

"You are from here?"

"Yes, I lived here for 19 years until that day. If he didn't have a bad a motivator we wouldn't have bough R2 instead, and with that I would have never found the message my sister had put in it and with that, I would never had met Ben and left Tatooine to join the rebellion, and blew the first Death Star." Luke said. "So yes, this droid in a way save the galaxy. I'm glad he is working fine."

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