Chapter 84 - Arrested for treason?

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A/N: In Earth Time, Luke and Ines son, Ben was born in February 18th, 5 years ABY and 7 months ABE, and Freedom Day, the day of the death of the Emperor and the fall of the Emperor, in my story happens on July 29th Earth Time.

Freedom Day was 20 days away and the day of the opening of the Jedi Academy was getting closer. Luke already decided that the Academy would be open in a month and 10 days. Before that he wanted to give a nice birthday day to Ines, who would celebrate her 24th birthday two weeks earlier. The students would arrive a few days before the opening. It was decided that there would be a big inauguration with the Senate present and the students. So Ines and him had to plan the food and drinks for everyone.

In the training room, Ines blocked a strike from Luke's saber. Swing around and throwing her saber behind her back from her right hand to left, she twirled and attacked, that made Luke dodging and hit his green saber on his wife blue one. Twirling down, Ines tried to do a low kick, but Luke anticipated and jump up, and attacked Ines while she was on her knees, she tried to block it, but with a quick move her lightsaber flew from her right hand landing behind Luke on the far end of the room. Doing a back flip she stood up facing Luke.

"Today you are not holding back" she said to him breathing heavily, making him smile at her

"Isn't what you want?" he asked her

"That's right. But you know I love you right?"

"I love you too but that is not going to work today, my love" he said and doing a flip, Luke attacked, making Ines jumping backward and avoided every attacked from him. Giving a glimpse on her lightsaber, and to her husband who was between her and her weapon, Ines run towards him and at the moment Luke swing his, Ines dropped on her knees and leaning backward she slide underneath the blade and raising her right hand, her lightsaber flew towards her hand and igniting she turn around and supporting herself on one knee she block Luke's one, making the green and blue blade clashing against each other.

Luke smiled at Ines and pulling back he turn off his saber, followed by her that stood up.

"That was an awesome move" he said

"Well I had a great Master" she smiled at Luke, who walking towards her, he wrapped his left arm around her waist and took her lips in his, making Ines wrapping hers around his neck.

Pulling apart she looked into his beautiful blue eyes

"Thanks for not holding back"

"Thanks for knowing I would never hurt you" he told her "That is why we are a perfect team"

Ines smiled when they heard a babble coming from the corridor. They knew who was having his now babble conversation. Their baby boy Ben loved to babble and he loved having long conversations especially with his parents who talked back at him, making him smiled. Also they discovered that a tooth on his lower gum was coming out, which was a surprise for them.

Walking towards the corridor, they saw their Ben sitting in his floating crib and babble towards R2 who beeped at him, making the baby laughed happily

"R2, you know Baby Ben can't understand you. He just like your beeps." 3PO told

R2 beeped at him and that make Ben give one of his high pitch sounds and started to make sounds with his lips, drooling all over his baby bib that Ines smartly decided to put in him that day and smiling he dropped his toy on the floor, leaning down watching it as 3PO bend over and picking him up he gave to back to him

"Here it goes, little Ben" 3PO told the baby who looked at him and with a smile he throw the toy again on the floor and babble at the protocol droid and looked down at his toy on the floor.

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