Chapter 66 - Old friends

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3 weeks later, Tatooine:

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3 weeks later, Tatooine:

It has being 3 weeks since Luke, Han and Chewie were traveled around to get supplies that Han and Chewie normally get every 3 months, but this time they were taking supplies for Luke. In the mean time he already found 7 more students, having in totally 10 students. So far he wanted to opened the Academy with 10 students each time, and when they passed to the next level, then he would get 10 new ones. With Ines helping him would be much easier, since the old students could also help the younger students.

Thinking of Ines was so difficult. He missed her already like crazy, and their baby boy. He called her almost every day and smiled every time he heard his boy making his baby talk in the background. He was getting big, according to Ines he loved baths, he smiled a lot, and loved R2. He couldn't wait to be with them, especially after the last call, Ines told him the bleeding stopped. He wish he was there, he missed making love with her so much.

Right now he was in Tatooine with Han and Chewie in the Mos Eisley cantina. That brought so many memories, but the cantina was almost desert this time.

"This is a little quiet comparing 5 years ago" he looked around

"A lot things changed but probably the hour of the day it's also responsible for it. But it is time for us to leave, we still have to go the a last system before going back home" Han stood up "Chewie prepare the ship, please"

Chewie growled and left first, being followed later on by Han and Luke.

"I can't wait to get home. I miss them like crazy" Luke told to Han.

"We almost there, kid" Han responded and they were headed to the hangar where the Falcon was.

Then someone called Luke.


Luke stopped and turned around. He gasped when he saw who was calling him. The last time he saw them was almost 5 years ago in the Tosche Station, where he found Biggs. He missed his friend.

"Fixer" Luke smiled and the two friends hugged each other "No time no see"

"Look who is talking." Fixer said looking at his friend.

The last time they saw each other was almost 5 years ago, the day that Luke got 3PO and R2 from Jawas. He knew that many people in Tatooine thought he was the one who killed his uncle and aunt, which made Luke upset when he found out about that. But he was 19 at the time, now he was almost 24, that he would celebrate in 2 weeks. Fixer real name was Laze but because he was skilled mechanic everyone called him Fixer.

"Where is Camie? Are you two together?" Luke asked. Camie was another old friend. Her parents used to purchased water from his uncle.

"She's coming... Look there she is" Fixer pointed and smiled when a young woman, the same age as Luke appeared.

"Hey look who I found?" Fixer said to her pointing at Luke.

"No way? Luke?" Camie spoke with wide eyes. "You look older"

Luke rolled his eyes

"Of course I look older, after all 5 years had pass. You look older too" he replied. "So what happened to you two since I left?"

"Well we still live in Anchorhead where we got some farms"

"You sill live here in Tatooine? I thought you wanted to leave this place as much as I did back then" Luke said

"Well not everyone got lucky to be a legend like you" Fixer said to Luke.

"We heard about Biggs." Camie said and Luke nod sadly

"He was a great friend" he said. He missed Biggs. He wish he was here right now. "And you two I see things are going great"

Camie and Fixer looked at each other

"Yes. We married" Fixer nod

"No kids?" Luke asked

"I don't know if I want to have a kid in this sand hole" Camie told right away. In a way Luke couldn't blame her. He didn't want to raise his boy there either.

"I know what you mean" Luke replied nodding, and ran his left hand through his blond hair, making Camie grabbed it right away.

"What is this? Is this a wedding ring? Are you married Wormie" Camie asked making Luke shaking his head when she called him that again.

"Actually I am. For 9 months already."

"Wow you, a married man" Fixer said "Who knew you would find a girl"

"I did, and I found her exactly here" he looking around and smiled when he realize he was at the spot that Ines grabbed him and Ben to the compartment and introduce herself.

"Is she from here?"

"No she is from Alderaan" Luke informed "Which saved her life being here actually."

"What's her name?" Camie asked


"How does she look like?" Fixer asked being elbowed by Camie

"Why are you asking?"

"I just want to know"

Luke smiled

"She is gorgeous, long brown hair, amber eyes. Actually I can show you" and pressing a little buttons on his wrist, a holo image of Ines appeared.

"Wait you married that?" Camie said making Luke look at her

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm shocked that she married you" she said

"She didn't come?"

"No, she is in our home in Coruscant, taking care of the new Jedi Academy that I will open and also of our 7 weeks old baby boy Ben"

"Wait? Baby boy. You are a father?" Camie said once again in shock

"A lot things change Camie."

"Hey Luke we need to go" Han called

"Well it was nice to see you two. If you pass by to Coruscant don't forget to pay a visit" Luke said and saying goodbye to Fixer and Camie he walked towards the Falcon, entering inside the cockpit.

"Who were those two?" Han asked

"Hard to believe, but two old friends back in the days" Luke said as the Falcon left the hangar.

He really couldn't believe he found two of his old friends.

Luke met Fixer and Camie. For those who don't know who they are, they appeared in one of the delete scenes in A New Hope when Luke goes to Tosche Station. What did you think of the reunion?

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