Chapter 170 - Serious information

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Days turned to weeks and almost 2 months since the events in Takodana had passed.

A few weeks after the surgery, Idda went home, where she stayed in bed rest for a few more days. Of course she had the visit of her friends and even Han and Chewie visited her a few times, to see her. During that time she got a lot of gifts and presents. 3 weeks later she was in the Temple to start her training, even if she didn't do the physical part yet, not until for a while, but the first time she appeared in the Temple everyone gave her a big welcome party, showing her that everyone missed a lot. Even Ben ran towards her and gave her a hug.

During those 2 months, Ben celebrated his 2nd anniversary, which made his parents a little emotional, especially Ines, to see her sweet boy was growing to fast.

Right now, Luke and Ines just came out of the doctor Khuslar office. Their Ben and their now 8 months old twins just had a routine appointment, where they also got their vaccines, which as usual didn't please the infants, especially the twins. Looking at their toddler, they smiled at him.

"How is the candy little fella?" Luke asked holding a still whimpering Alli on his arms.

"Good," he said licking the lollipop that nurse Dilara gave him after he took his vaccine.

"You know Mama and Papa are very proud of you. You didn't cry during your vaccine. Very good. You are a big boy now," Ines smiled at her son, removing his bangs from his forehead, making the little boy look at her all proud.

Padmé looked at her brother, with tears in her eyes. She and her twin at taken their vaccines, each one in each leg, and of course the babies cried out loud and even now they were still whimpering, with their eyes still filled with tears. Seeing his baby sister looking at him from their mother's arms, Ben raised his lollipop to his sister making the baby lick a little, before he stuck in his mouth again.

"Oh sweetie that was very nice of you, trying to comfort your sister," Luke smiled at him. "You are a great big brother you know."

Smiling at his father he said.

"Pamé and Alli awe sad."

"Yes baby, they are." Luke replied to him.

"No sweet fo them?"

"No, because they are too little for sweets. But they will be okay," Ines giggled at him and looked at Luke who winked at her.

"We made a great boy," he said to her.

"Yes we did but what do you expect, he was an act of love, of course he would be sweet. Besides I think we are raising him well," she smiled at Luke who then lean forwards kissed her making Ben laughed every time he saw his parents kissing, making them laughed too.

"Come on, let's go home, so we spoiled a little our three babies cause today they deserve it," Luke said rubbing Alli's little back, while the girl rest her left cheek on his shoulder, while sucking her right hand.

They were about to leave the Senate Hospital, when they heard someone called Luke.

"Master Skywalker."

Stopping, they turned around and were surprise to see Dr. Lina coming in their direction.

Since the day that Alli was taken, months ago, the same time she discovered that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, Luke's father, and since the small conversation they had in the Hospital Cantina, the day Alli was discharge of the Hospital, that they barely spoke again. They encounter themselves not only there but also outside and they always address each other with a "Good morning" or "Good afternoon", but that was it. Luke knew she was still had confuse feelings about it and he understood that, and gave her time. So seeing her calling him, it surprised him and Ines too.

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