Chapter 165 - Idda

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The moment the Falcon had entered in lightspeed, Han and Chewie came out of the cockpit and went to the compartment where Luke was with Idda and the rest of the girls. Idda was lay on the medical bed, with an oxygen mask on her face.

"How is she?" Han asked him.

Luke looked at him, his hands were all bloody since he had pressing her left side of her body, trying to stop the blood.

"Not good. She is loosing a lot of blood. He punctured her spleen, that is why she is bleeding so badly. If we don't find a way to try to stop the blood, she would not make it to Coruscant in time," Luke answered and looking at Yana he asked her. "Press the wound here."

Nodding, the girl grabbed the cloth and pressed with all the strength she could have, making Idda wince at that.

"Sorry but it is for your own good my friend," she said with tears in her eyes.

Standing up, Luke faced Han and Chewie.

"We need to do something. I won't loose a student, they are my responsibility."

Han sighed and grabbed his brother in law shoulder.

"I know kid. But what we can do?"

Chewie looked at both men and growled making Luke looked at him.

"That is a way Chewie. We need to slow down her heart beat. If her heart slow down, it won't pumped so much blood and her bleeding will slow down or even stop."

"How?" Han said.

"One of the forms were freezing her in carbonite," Luke said looking at him. "But I doubt you have a carbonite freezer here in the Falcon."

"First I was a smuggler not a bounty hunter and I will not put something that I was in almost 3 years ago here. I want distance from that thing."

Luke nod. He understood Han.

"I figure it out. Then we need to cold down her temperature and for that we can use ice."

Han looked at Chewie.

"Well that we can arrange. We have cooler here from our smuggling time. Some things need to be in cold ice."

"Then we need to lay her down on ice and we need to do fast. Then we need to call to Coruscant."

"If Ines doesn't know already what happened through the connection you two have," Han said and head down the Falcon where he and Chewie filled a long bag with ice. Coming upstairs, they went to the medical compartment. "Here Luke."

Nodding he looked to the other students.

"Let's lay down Idda on the ice," he said and lifting her with the force, they put the ice on the medical bed and then Luke lay her on top of it.

"Now we need to motorizing her vitals so she wouldn't go in hypothermia. But this could help to stop the bleeding."

"It will work Master. I know it will work," Nelah said making Luke wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"Let's hope for that" he answered.



Minutes earlier in Coruscant, Ines was watching Luna doing her training in the virtual room. For the afternoon, she decided that the second group of students would have their turn in the room. During the morning: Kino, Davi and Luna had that change to fight the B2 super battle droids. These droids were way more difficult to destroyed, so it was normal that their scores were a little low, comparing to the battle droids on the first level.

During that afternoon, Alena was the first on to try the room. She was in the middle of the exercise, when all of the sudden, she felt a disturbance in the force. Right there, she knew something had happened, something bad. The students felt it too. Alena who was in the room, stopped in the middle of a movement, which cause her to being hit and "died". But she didn't care. She felt pain.

Breathing heavily, Ines looked at her students who looked at her with the same worried eyes.

"Aunt Ines, something bad happened. I felt it," Ken said getting near her. In the Temple, Ken called Ines and Luke by Masters, not by aunt or uncle. But that time, she felt her nephew was worried, so she didn't mind that he had called her aunt. Pulling the 7 years old kid closer, she nod.

"I know sweetie. I felt it too. We all felt it, right?" she asked looked at her students, who nod.

"Something happened in Takodana," Qoli said looking at her.

Trying to focus, Ines knew she needed to contacted the Falcon. She felt Luke's distress. Something went really bad there.

"Okay. The classes are over for today. Go inside to Aurea. I will find out what happened."

"Please tell us what you find out Master," Eqol begged her.

"I will. Now do what I told you," she ordered them.

Nodding, they all left inside, while she went upstairs to the control room and tried to contacted the Falcon, with her heart beating fast. She hope the news were not worst.


Inside the Falcon:

They all were near Idda. The ice was actually working, and as her temperature started to went down, her bleeding also started to stop too which made Luke and the rest of them sighed in relieve.

"Well now we need to watch over her," Luke said and reaching the force he touched her forehead and felt she was okay for now.

A beeped was heard and Han went to the panel and looked at Luke.

"It is from Coruscant," he told him.

"it is Ines," Luke answered and nod to Han, who press the button. The moment he did that, a Holo of Ines appeared. Her face showed that she already knew something had happened.

"Luke. Are you okay?" she asked the first moment she saw him.

"Yes darling, I'm fine," he answered her.

"What happened? We all felt a disturbance in the force minutes ago." she asked.

"Idda got injured," Han said making Ines gasped.


"He came here and the girls were on the surface, while Han, Chewie and I were in the catacombs of the Takodana Castle."

"Castle? Wasn't that the Castle that once was occupied by the Jedi?" she asked.

"Yes that is why we went downstairs. We where there and we heard a tie fighter. But we arrived to late. Somehow he caught Idda and stabbed her."

Ines sighed and shook her head. She knew that mission would not end well.

"How is she?" she asked.

"No good. We put her on ice so we could slow down her vitals, because she was bleeding badly and she would not make it if we didn't do that," Han responded.

"Okay I will make sure to warn the Senate Hospital when you guys arrive in 2 days to be ready in the Hangar. And I will tell Leia what happened."

"Babe what about Idda's parents."

"I will talk to them. You take care of her until you arrive. Everything will be okay. Be careful. May the force be with you," she said and the holo disappeared, leaving Luke sitting there, hoping his wife was right. Now all he wanted was to arrive at Coruscant as soon as possible.

What did you thinks will happen? Will they get in time to save Idda? Was Luke's idea to put Idda on ice the right thing to do?

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