Chapter 68 - The Ring

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Elrood Systems:

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Elrood Systems:

The Falcon was arriving at the capital of the Elrood System, Elrooden for the supplies that Han needed.

"Okay Luke. All we need now is this last supply and then we can back home." Han said as Chewie turn off the ship.

"Glad cause I miss my wife and my boy." Luke said.

"This is quick, and in 3 days we are home. But you are about to meet the most unusual man ever. So I'm warning you already that if he try to marry one of his daughters to you don't be shock because he does that to every guy" Han laughed making Luke frown at that.

"Why does he do that?"

"Well Newel has 7 daughters" Han started making Luke spit the water he was drinking

"7 daughters? Let me guess he was trying for the son but never got it"

"Bingo" Han laughed making Luke shaking his head. "So when he sees a new guy he try to marry one of his daughters with him."

"Without knowing if the guy is a good one or not?"

"That is Newel get use it. But when is someone known like you, I just want to warn you about that, so you don't be get in shock when he sees you, hears your name and right away he tried to introduce his daughters"

"Let me guess he tried to do that to you?" Luke laughed

"What do you think?" Han said rolling his eyes

"Well to bad for Newel that I'm happily married and I'm crazy about my beautiful, sexy and strong wife" Luke smiled as the ramp touched the ground the three of them were greet by small man with no hair and big beard

"Solo! Chewbacca! It is the time for your supplies, already?" he started and stopped when he saw Luke "That is a new face"

"Here we go!" Han whispered to Luke and Chewie growled

"Who is this?" Newel asked Han

"Let me introduce to you Luke Skywalker" Han said while Luke shook Newel hands

"Luke Skywalker. THE Luke Skywalker" Newel gave a big smile "You look young. How old are you?"

Han looked at Luke raising his eyebrows.

Luke smiled at the man

"I will make 24 in two weeks"

"So young. Who knew that the legendary Skywalker is only 23 years old. I have two daughters around your age. Maybe I should introduce them to you!"

"Thank you very much and I'm sure your daughters are very nice ladies and very beautiful, but I already met the love of my life" he said showing his wedding ring and clearly he saw the disappointment in the man's face.

"Lucky lady" he said

"Actually I'm the lucky one"

"Yes Newel, this one and his wife are the type of couple who are madly in love with each other, so much that the first time they share the bed he got her pregnant" Han said making Chewie laughed, making Luke looked at them

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