Chapter 128 - Meeting the family

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Leia was in the living room of the Lake Retreat home, holding a very upset Alli. The 4 weeks baby, was crying for the last hour and Leia didn't know what to do anymore. She called Yolla, scaring that the little baby could be sick, but no. She was not sick, or hungry or in pain. It seems she was just sad. Normally Alli was a very quiet baby, comparing to her twin sister, but right now it looked like they decided to switch. Padmé was very calm, right now, inside her floating crib, the baby was awake sucking her pacifier, with her eyes opened, while Alli was crying on her aunt's arms, who kept rocking the baby, rubbing her back, trying to calm her down, with no success.

Deep inside Leia knew why her niece was crying.

"I know sweetie. You miss your mother and father." she said kissing her little forehead. "Don't worry they will be here real soon." she said and looked at her nephew who was sitting at the couch watching her with his blue eyes. He was getting so big.

"Alli sad." he said

"I know sweetie. She wants mama and papa." she said and continue to trying to calm down her niece. "Well at least you are showing me how to deal with a situation like this when your cousins born."

Walking around the room, with a still very upset baby in her arms, she looked at her nephew that all of the sudden point his little index finger.

"Oh." he said and rolling on his tummy, he slowly started to climb down the couch.

"Hey, Ben where are you going?"

"Papa! Mama!" he said and started to ran as much as his little legs would let him.

"Ben Skywalker, stop right there." she yelled but with no success. "Damn you are just like your mother." Leia said and followed the toddler, holding her crying niece while the other followed her in her crib. "I have to buy these things too."


The Falcon landed and Luke and Ines walked down the ramp, with Dan, Gracy and Ken right beside them.

"Oh my. This place is so beautiful." Gracy said looking around

"In a way it reminds our dear Alderaan, with the lakes and mountains, doesn't it?" Dan asked smiling

"It does." Ines said to his brother who kissed the top of her head.

Then an 8 year old came running up the ramp

"Uncle Luke! Aunt Ines!"

"Hey Iris." Ines smiled at the girl.

"Where is father and uncle Chewie?"

"Still inside." Luke informed and the girl just passed by running. "Nice to see you too." Luke said laughing.

"Sorry Uncle Luke." the girl yelled but just vanish inside the Falcon making Luke shake his head.

"That is Iris. Han and Leia's daughter." Ines informed her family.

"The one they adopted? That was so nice of them." Gracy smiled.

They stepped out of the ramp when a toddler came running in their direction yelling.

"Mama! Papa!" Ben called raising his arms, while Ines went to her son and picking him up she hugged him tightly kissing his cheeks non stop.

"Did he say Papa instead of Dada?" Luke asked.

Ben smiled at him.


"You are getting big even in your speech." he said kissing the top of his son's head.

"I missed you so much my sweet boy." Ines looked at him. "Did you behave?"

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