Chapter 96 - Life Day

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It was almost 2 months since the opening of the Academy and everything was doing great. The kids were getting better each other and became great friends. They were getting better in combat and Luke believe if they continue with that progress, next year they would be able to built their lightsabers.

Luke and Ines made sure the kids didn't stay always in the Temple. They had classes 5 days a week and the days they didn't have classes Luke and Ines made sure to eat at least a meal with them. But they made sure to take the kids out: sometimes they eat in their house, other times they took to the restaurants or Coruscant Burger, even the Opera House.

In a month they would go home spending 3 weeks with their families, something that Luke and Ines always made sure that would happen.

Today was Life Day, so there was no classes, and being the last day of the week, it meant they had 3 days off school.

Life Day was a Wookie celebration that later the whole galaxy started to celebration and today was not exception.

The plan was the family had lunch in Luke and Ines house and later on they decided to have dinner in the Temple with the kids and Aurea.

At this time, Leia was in Ines house, helping her preparing everything and watching over her nephew, that at the age of 9 months didn't stop moving around, especially that he started to crawling two weeks ago and learn how to grab on to things and stand up on his little legs, something that he was doing right now, holding himself on the couch, tapping his little hands on it, babbling.

"Dadadadada.". he said smiling at 3PO who was watching him as he smile at the protocol droid, showing his two new lower teeth, and sating down on the floor he started to crawling towards the kitchen, babbling, while poor 3PO was walking behind him.

Once he reached the kitchen laughing, Leia pick him up.

"Where you think you are going young man?" she asked to her nephew that laughed at her. "Don't look at me with those blue eyes like your father's." she laughed back at him, who started to bounce on her lap until her necklace took his attention and he touched it with his little fingers and then pat it with his hands. "This is not for you". she said and sat him down on her lap and gave him is R2 toy that he pressed and it beeped making giggle at it, while look at his mother.


Ines looked at her baby boy and smile

"What is it baby?" she said walking towards him and kiss his little cheeks making the baby giggle


"Dada it with uncle Han and uncle Chew and cousin Iris in the Temple getting everything decorate for the dinner time." she said. "My little love"

"How is everything in the Temple?"

"The kids are learning so fast and they are adapting faster then I imagine, to be honest." she smiled. "I'm so proud of them"

"They are great kids actually." Leia said as she put Ben on the floor and the baby started to crawl again. "Soon this little one will be a student too."

"Don't even say that. He is already growing so fast." she smile at her boy who was holding himself on a kitchen chair and raise himself up smiling all proud.

"I was thinking, we need to start finding dresses for my wedding. We need to find my wedding dress, and Iris one since she will be my beautiful flower girl, your dress cause you are my maid of honor and of course this little cutie will be my ring bearer"

"Well we can find yours and Iris dress. As for this little guy, when you married he is much older, so he will grow up more until them. As for me, I think I need to wait until the day gets closer cause I will need a larger dress, especially in this area." she said tapping her belly, making Leia gasped

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