Chapter 33 - The Emperor

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The sun appeared over the Sanctuary Moon of Endor

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The sun appeared over the Sanctuary Moon of Endor. Leia got out of her hut, fully dressed. They were all getting ready for the attack. She was heading to the place where she knew Ines slept. Last night she was trying to talk to her but she didn't see her anywhere. She thought Ines wanted to be alone. Luke was her twin brother and she was very worried about him, but she couldn't imagine what her best friend was feeling, especially being pregnant.

She reached the hut, and called

"Ines. Are you ready?" she waited for a response but nothing. Frowning she called again, and again she had no answer. Decided to entered she found the place empty and the bed looked like nobody had slept there.

Heading to where everyone was getting ready, she reached Han

"Han, did you see Ines?"

Han frown at that and shook his head

"No. I thought she was still asleep"

"She is not there and it looks like she didn't slept there"

Looking around, he saw 3PO

"Hey did any of them saw Ines? The one with the life growing inside her"

3PO, asked to one the Ewoks and after a while, the protocol droid looked back at him

"They say they didn't see Mistress Ines since last night"

Han looked at Leia. That was not a good sign

"You think she went to be with Luke?" he asked Leia

"I don't think she would do that, knowing that Luke would be upset." Leia said. "No. I feel it was something else. Something worst"


"I think someone took her"

Han sighed. Ines was his friend, and he didn't want anything bad to happened to her, especially now. He only hope that at least she maybe was with Luke right now.


The shuttle lift off from the platform. Luke was sit down, with Ines head resting on his lap. He kept looking down, running his hand through her hair. For some reason she didn't woke up yet and he was starting to get worried.

"Come on my love. Wake up" he kept saying to her, desperately to wake her up. Looking back at the officer he asked "What did you use on her?"

It was Vader who replied

"Nothing that would harm the child."

Luke looked at him.

"Father, please. Don't do this. This is about me, not her. Don't let the emperor do anything to our child. He is your grandson too. He is the innocent being in all of this."

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