Chapter 7 - Preparing everything

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The reunion was long, and technical and Ines was not in the mood for it. Once the meeting end and everyone stand up, Luke was getting ready and Ines left the place, deciding to go the bunker where the ships were and she saw Han. He was getting his reward so he could leave the place.

Looking, she walked towards him.

"I see you are getting ready to leave!"

Han looked at her.

"I thought you were happy to finally get rid of me"

"Are you serious? You may be stubborn and cocky but you can be a great asset to us, Han"

"Look kid, I'm not a rebel. And I have better things to do"

Ines sighed.

"Well it is your choice in the end. I hope you change your mind" she said and as she started to walk away, Han looked at her

"Hey Ines"

Ines stopped and turned back

"Don't worry. He will get out of this unharmed"

Ines smiled and left, while Han stood there looking at her. He knew why she was concerned and was not only about the mission. Grabbing the supplies he continue to transferred to a transportation.

Luke got his flight suit and was heading with 3PO to the bunker, where his X-Wing was standing. When the meeting ended he found himself looking for Han and Ines but he didn't found her. He saw Leia but she was busy talking to some other people and he couldn't talk to her. Now as he walked towards the place where the ships where, he saw Han and walked towards him:

"So, you got your reward and you're just leaving, then?"

Han sighed

"Not you too kid. Ines was already here annoying me with that"

Luke looked at him and looked around.

"She was here?"

"She went to there direction. Maybe you should give a word to her" he told him "And yeah. I got some old debts. I gotta pay off with this stuff. And like I said to Ines, even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do you?" he said and looking back at Luke he continue "Why don't you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. We could use you"

Luke couldn't believe what he heard

"Come on. Why don't you take a look around. You know what's about to happen, what they're up against. They could use a good pilot like you. You're turning your back at them"

"What good's the reward if you ain't around to use it?" he told him "Besides attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like.... Suicide"

"All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han" Luke said. He was upset "I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it" and he started to walk away.

 He was upset "I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it" and he started to walk away

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