Chapter 175 - Afraid to lose her

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Right after get the cure from the clone dead body, Luke called Han and Dan, to come right to the Temple explain to them what just happened. In a few minutes they were there. While Han took the cure to hospital with Leia, Dan helped Luke to cremate the body. They had to do it so there was no change to use him for any more clones, before they took Luke to fix his damage hand.

The prosthetic hand he used was damage, he needed to have a new one and that took a few days to make and then attached to Luke's right arm.


2 days later:

Luke was sitting on the medical care, with his son Ben next to him, watching everything that the 2-1B droid was doing to his father right arm. The 26 months old toddler didn't took his blue eyes of the prosthetic hand that was now fuse to his father's right arm.

Luke smiled at him when, he saw him moved his fingers.

"See, good as new," Luke said to him, laughing when Ben grabbed his hand and looked at it, like examining it. He never knew his right hand was not real, because when he got a new hand after the previous one got damage during the Sarlaac Pit fight, he was still inside of Ines. Now seeing for the first time, the toddler was surprised and kept looking at him

"Papa's hand," he said.

"I know, it is Papa's hand now and guess what, it can do this," and started to tickling him making the toddler laughed all happy.

It was nice to laugh a little. For the past days, the mood inside the house were not the best. Since the fight between him and his clone, that Ines was more quiet and barely spend time with him. He knew deep inside that she was avoid him and he knew why and it was killing him inside.

"All done Sir," the droid said.

"Thank you," Luke replied nodding and getting of the stretcher, he picked up Ben from it and put him on the floor. "Come on little fella, let's go back to the Temple," and grabbing his little hand they got out the office.

As they were walking towards the exit, Luke saw Leia and Gracy there.

The moment Ben saw his aunts he let go his father's hand and ran towards them.

"Aun Leia! Aun Gacy!" he called them, making the two women smiled as Leia crouch and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey sweetie. What are you doing here?" Leia asked standing up, while Gracy picked him up and smiled when the toddler kissed her cheek.

"Vaccine time?" Gracy said looking at her nephew.

"No. I just got my new hand," Luke said showing his new hand.

"Papa wobot hand," Ben said smiling.

"He is being fascinated with it," Luke laughed at him. Looking at his sister and sister in law, he was sure they were here to check on Mon Mothma, that was still in there. "You two came to visit her?"

"Yes." Gracy answered.

"How is she?" Luke asked them.

"She woke up and they already removed the tube. She is recovering well. They were able to make a treatment out of that tube." Leia said.

"They named Talia Treatment after Ines. After all if she didn't kill that clone..." Gracy started but stop in mid sentence. "Sorry."

"It is okay Gracy." he smiled at her. "Did she already said anything about how she got sick?"

"No. And she is still very weak. We will let her recovered completely before asking her any questions." Leia informed. She looked at her brother and she knew what was going with Ines. "How is she?"

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