Chapter 148 - Training Scores

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Luke was looking at his datapad in his hands, where he had the names of his students and the scores they were making in the virtual room so far. Right now he decided that they would use the first level, which had the virtual battle droids, that were the easiest droids to battle, and in his datapad he was putting the scores they were making.

So far the best score was from Nelah with 80 points out of 100, followed by Qoli with 77 points, Alena with 76, Luna with 71, Yana with also 71, Davi with 70 and Eqol and Ieneh with also 70. He looked at the room where Idda was doing her trial and pointing her score of 72.

The Togruta student came out of the room and smiled at him.

"Not bad Idda." he said at her with a smile.

"I lost concentration at the end and I was hit from behind," she said with a sighed, making Luke smirked at his students.

"Hey 72 from your first time, it is very great. After all you are at the same level of everyone else."

"Except Nelah who reached the 80 points." Qoli said elbowing his friend with a smile.

"That a bad scoring in my eyes." she said with a sigh.

"Bad? Don't expect to have perfect score right there. If that would have happen I would be surprise," Luke said. Looking at the monitor he then looked at Kino. "Kino it is your turn."

The boy looked at him and then to his friends who nod at him. Grabbing his lightsaber he entered in the room and got ready for the training.

Luke was attentive to him. Since the Alli situation, Kino was way more quiet, even if at the moment everyone already forgot that and if in the beginning there were some tension between him and Idda with the other students, especially with Eqol, after Ines give them a lecture about that, they were back as great friends like before. But Kino still didn't move forward after that and he knew that.

Looking at him as the training started, Luke was paying attention to Kino, who was holding his lightsaber and breathing heavily as the battle droids were shooting at him. He was able to deflect the first ones, but as the droids holo started to multiply Luke saw he lost his concentration and in a blink of an eye, he was hit and a the big holo letters: YOU'RE DEAD appeared, lighting the room and ending the demonstration. Looking at his datapad he saw the score of 56, the lowest of the group.

He knew why his score was so low but it was not because he was the worst of the group but because he had other things in his head.

Kino came out of the room, with his silver lightsaber blade still glowing and looked back at Luke and to his colleagues, he without saying a word he left to the class room.

"Kino!" Idda said but Luke stopped her.

"Idda, let him go." he told her resting his hand on her shoulder and looked to the other students. "You did great but I know you can do better. Go back to the training room with the training droids but this time put your helmets on. Ken, I want you to trained the a hand to hand combat. Use the training holo."

"Yes Master," his nephew said.

"Go!" he ordered.

Watching his students going to the training room, while Ken went to the combat one, Luke walked towards the class room and sighed when he saw Kino sitting on one of the chairs, with his lightsaber on his hand and by the sound of it, he was crying. Looking at Luke at the entrance, he turned his face away and wipe his face with the sleeves of his Padawan outfit that they all use during classes.

Putting the datapad on the his desk, Luke sat down on the chair in front of him.

"What's troubling you Kino?" he asked his now 10 years old. It had being a year since he opened the Jedi Academy and his students started to arrive. Kino, Davi and Luna were the young ones with 9. Now at 10 years old, they grown, but looking at the kid crying, it show to Luke that he was still 10 years old.

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